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Old 11/29/14, 08:11 PM   #1
Putty Patroller
Join Date: 10/24/11
Posts: 8
Default What if the show used the sentai formula from the beginng?

Instead of 6 season serial with Lost Galaxy starting the sentai tradition of new story every year, how do you think the show would have been like if they did the Sentai thing from the begiing? My theories/speculation

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers -Would end on Doomsday part 2 the way it was originally written. With Rita and Co being sealed away

Dairanger Adaption- Possible titles Power Rangers Thunder Team. Power Rangers Thunder Strikers. Power Rangers the Next Generation. Rocky,Aisha,Adam would be Rangers from the beginning but Rocky would probably be blue since he doesn't have leadership characteristic with new actors for Red and Pink. Brad Hawkins would play the white ranger (with Jason David Frank starring in Cybertron as originally planned). Alternative Brad Hawkins as the Red Ranger. Johnny Yong Bosh as Green. Karan Ashley as Yellow.Steve Cardenas as Blue. Sarah Brown as Pink and Michael Bacon as Red. (Michael, Brad, and Sarah being actors from VR Troopers) Lord Zedd would still be used. They would possibly avoid using the Dairanger villains since there all humanoids and Saban could possibly be mistaken for racist for having three Japanese villains. The Dairanger footsoldiers would be used and called Ztrons. The final battle would be Giant Lord Zedd versus The ThunderMegazord.

Kakuranger adaption-Called Power Rangers Ninja. Rito would have a different name (since hes not going to be related to Rita) the alien rangers actors would be used but be humans with obviously american names. End with the NinjaRangers sealing MasterVile away.

Ohranger adaption-might not be called Power Rangers ZEO since Zeo supposedly came from Zordon's Odyssey (ZO). Maybe Power Rangers Hyper Force. New cast for the Rangers. keep Ohranger's military theme with the Rangers powers being earth technology. (not unlike Lightspeed Rescue) King Mondo stays dead in Mondo's last stand. Archerina and Gasket are destroyed in Hawiaan Zeo. The rest of the machine empire flees earth.

Power Rangers Turbo- starts with the Turbo2 cast. Lerigot is an ally that stays throughout the show that creates the Turbo powers. Goldgoyle is a Dark Specter like monarch who is the villain behind the Turbo villains instead of just some random powerful monster. Series is campy from beginning to end.

Power Rangers in Space: Christopher Khaymen Lee (Andros) and four other actors as the space rangers. Dark Specter is simply Astronema's master not all the villains of past seasons. Instead of true blue to the rescue the space rangers have a cross over with the Turbo Rangers. Dark Specter gets his powers drains by the Psycho Rangers. Finale is a scale down version of Countdown to Destruction with Astronema's forces attacking earth and K0-35. Andros suceeds in restoring her to Karone.
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