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Old 12/11/14, 06:51 PM   #7
The Ghost Ranger
Power Ranger
Join Date: 12/11/14
Location: Arizona
Posts: 186
Default Re: Power Rangers Legacy

Chapter 7: Galactic Lights

The Legacy Rangers were in the midst of battle against a platoon of Nokbots that had attacked a shopping mall, attacking with their weapons, Ghost Ranger using his fists and feet, making sure the robotic henchmen stayed away from the innocent civilians. Legacy Green was swinging his katana wildly, making exaggerated martial arts noises knocking a few of the robots down, more attacking him as he pushed them away.

"Spike, what are you doing?" asked Legacy Yellow, watching him curiously while defending herself against a few of the Nokbots with her Wolf Fang Daggers, kicking one away with a grunt. "Taking care of business!" he replied, slashing a few more robots away. "Stay focused, we're almost done!" called out Ghost Ranger, running at a couple of the enemies, leaping up and kicking them back in a bicycle kick, having them fly into a dumpster with the lid shutting. Legacy Red and Pink went for a team up attack, with Pink slamming her Spark Staff into the ground, sending a current of electricity through the ground, shocking them, then Red jumped off her shoulders and slashed them with a red beam of energy, destroying them. Legacy Blue finished off the platoon with a three hundred and sixty degree turn, blasting the rest of them with his Shot Blaster. "Alright, that's how you do it!" He said, De-Morphing along with the others as they all looked at Spike in an annoyed manner.

"What was that all about?" Jerome asked the Green Ranger. "I was just trying to show them I'm just as good as you guys." "What? Spike, you're a Ranger! You don't need to prove yourself." said Diane, arms crossed. "Yes, I do.. Lately I felt like I've been playing catch-up. Jerome, Zeke, and you have your Martial Arts. Vanessa's been training and improving, and Jake? He's our leader." "Hey, I may be leader, but I follow Jerome's lead on the battlefield. No one on this team is more important then the other person, we're all equal." "Sure wish I felt like that." Spike said. "C'mon man, cheer up, let's go to the arcade and grab some grub, that should help you out." said Zeke, slapping Spikes back gently, the others agreeing with him as they all headed to the arcade.

Aboard the Tul'Van ship, Chosav was going through notes that K'Turi had been creating in the data files of the ships. "Perhaps he wasn't as useless as we believed him to be." he mused to himself, turning to face a half robot and half alien scientist. "You are our top researcher within the Empire. See what you can make from it, Luven." The scientist nodded his head and took the data files with him to the lab area of the ship. "Black Phantom, we shall attack the Rangers as a team this time. Are you ready for battle?" asked Chosav, the Black Phantom Ranger appeared behind the Samurai alien, speaking in its distorted voice. "I am always ready to fight the Ghost Ranger."

At the Arcade, the six friends were hanging around the table area with their lunch, eating and chatting. "So, I did some more research with the Ranger Archives before the fight. Did you know that Adam Park and Tommy Oliver were three different and five different Ranger types?" said Zeke, leaning over his basket of chicken tenders. "Duh, Tommy is a legend, man!" said Jerome with a laugh. "Well what I meant was; imagine if you could Transcend into various powers at one time. How awesome would that be?" "It depends." said Jake, taking a sip of soda while glancing around at them. "If one takes on the Power of too many sources at once, the results could be bad. However, if you do it one at a time? Like, one right after the other? Now that would be a sight to behold."

"Hey..You've been quiet the entire time, you okay Spike?" asked Vanessa to her friend, who was halfheartedly eating his french fries. "Yeah, I'll be fine. Just still wondering if I really am as good a fighter as the rest of you." "You are, trust me when I say that you're a valued member of the team, mi hermano." The two would give each other a side hug, when an explosion rocked the outside of the arcade. "Looks like we got work to do." said Diane, eating the rest of her burger and getting up with the others to go see what the cause was, only to go back and grab Zeke's last chicken strip, grinning.

Outside, the Black Phantom Ranger stood in front of a blown up big rig truck, arms crossed as the teenagers stood a few feet away. "You again.." growled Jake, hands clenched into fists, ready to go on the offense, but Jerome grabbed his arm, shaking his head. "We don't attack until they make the first move."

"Red Ranger is wise to keep back. After all, it would be rude to attack before meeting the one who shall fight alongside of me." Black Phantom then knelt to one knee, Chosav appearing beside the warrior in a flash of light decked out in samurai style armor. "Ah, you must be the Power Rangers. It is an honor to meet you, I am General Chosav of the Tul'Van Empire." "Another General?" Zeke asked in slight shock, Vanessa turning her head towards Jake. "I thought we defeated their General?" "Apparently they have backups. T.K and I only know about K'Turi." he said, holding up his Morpher. Jerome did the same, asking "Ready?" "Ready!" The five comrades responded, spinning their watch faces and calling out "Legacy Power, Activate!" once transformed, Chosav and Black Phantom ran at their brightly colored enemies, the General pulling out a sharp katana blade and sending out a wave of energy, Black Phantom Ranger jumped over it, tackling Ghost Ranger out of the way so that it hit the other five Rangers, knocking them to the ground.

"I want you all to myself!" the evil Ranger declared, picking Ghost up off of the ground and wailing into him with multiple knee strikes to his stomach, kicking him away. Legacy Yellow attacked from behind with a drop kick, rolling back up to her feet to deliver a punch, only for Black Phantom to catch it and twist her arm behind her back, kicking her back over to the others. "Do not interfere!"

Chosav clashed his sword against Legacy Red's sword, the two hitting blade on blade over and over until Legacy Blue jumped up with his shot Blaster, shooting at the new General, who deflected the shots away with his sword effortlessly and punched Blue back, flipping his sword and knocking the wind out of Red's body with a handle strike to the chest, firing another wave of energy with his sword. "Guys, we need to fight as a team! He's too strong for single attacks!" Legacy Pink helped up the others as Ghost spin kicked Black Phantom into a nearby dumpster, the team regrouping, only to see Legacy Green charge forward alone, sword at the ready. "Spike, wait a sec!" yelled Blue, with Yellow yelling "He's too strong!" "If I can beat this guy on my own, I can prove my worth to the team!" he thought to himself. Green brought down his weapon against Chosav's, the sparks flying from the blades, the General chuckling. "You're brave to fight me, but you lack skill!" Quickly, he added a burst of power to the attack, causing Spike to De-Morph slowly, then with a battle cry, slashed at him in a diagonal cut, with Spike falling to his knees, then the ground. Black Phantom landed beside the General, as the samurai sheathed his blade.

"SPIKE, NO!" Legacy Red shouted, running forward and standing in front of his fallen comrade, weapon at the ready. Chosav and Black Phantom Ranger, however, would simply turn and walk away, saying. "You are not worthy of being defeated by my blade. Goodbye, Rangers."

Back at the Garage, Spike was bandaged around his chest area, T.K having made sure he was not seriously hurt by the attack. Slowly he woke up, the others getting up from their various seats to meet him. "I..What happened?" he asked, sitting up with a light wince. "You're okay, buddy. You're back at HQ." said Zeke, handing him a cup of water. "Thanks." he said, taking a nice long sip.

"Spike, what were you thinking out there? What you did was reckless." Jake said, arms crossed over his chest while giving the Green Ranger a slight glare. "I was just-" "Just what? We said before that every member of the team is equal, regardless of personal strength." "I know, but I've felt like a sixth wheel at times. Have you seen me in battle? Most of the time I'm just lucky!" Spike swung his legs around and stood up, reaching for his Morpher, and, after hesitating, removed it from his wrist, setting it down onto the computer desk before silently walking away. "Wait!" said Vanessa, trying to go after him, but Diane gently held her back, shaking her head. "This is his decision, he'll have to decide for himself if its what he really wants."

Spike's feet carried him, not really sure where he was going after he left the Garage. The sun had begin to set, and eventually he found himself at a small farm, sitting on a pile of hay as a small goat walked up to him, gently patting its head. "I don't get why I've been in this funk. I am-was, a Ranger, and I was so happy to help fight the forces of evil. But seeing the others improve so much while I lucked my way out in battle? It just didn't seem fair. What do you think?" Spike asked the goat, which looked up at him in silence for a moment, then let out a very human like yell, with the young man face-palming with a groan.

Meanwhile, as the other Rangers had gone to look for their friend, Jake sat down on the couch in the Garage, looking down at the Green Legacy Morpher in silence, as T.K walked up behind him. "You know.." "Don't. I don't want to hear it." "Look, I've known you for a very, very long time. Given what I saw happen to you two years ago? I don't think you have the right to call anyone reckless." she said in a somewhat defiant tone, looking down at him with a fierce gaze. Letting out a sigh, Jake stood up and pocketed the Morpher. "Can you track him down with his energy reading?" "Can a horse win the Kentucky Derby?" she retorted with a smirk, sitting down at the computer and going to work.

A while later, Spike had made his way to the Blue Bay High football field, sitting in the bleachers. He had his legs pulled up to his chest, looking down, until he heard footsteps behind him, glancing up to see Jake sit beside him. "Look, I know I messed up earlier." "Well, yeah, you did. But, that's not why I'm here. Spike, did Bulk or Skull ever tell you about the time the Earth and many planets in our system were in danger from Dark Specter and Astronema?" "Not really."

"Well, back in Nineteen-Ninety-Eight the forces of Evil had attacked, demanding that the Space Rangers show themselves, or the Earth would be destroyed. Your father and uncle were the very first two to stand up to Astronema's forces, and so did others to defend their heroes. It was Bulk who lead the citizens into battle against the Quantrons when the Rangers were being beaten back." Jake brought out the Green Legacy Morpher, handing it to Spike. "Fighting for the forces of Good has been in your family since before you were born." Spike listened closely; he had been paying so much attention to the story, he didn't realize Jerome, Zeke, Diane, and Vanessa had sat around him on the bleaches, all giving a nod of approval with Jake saying "There is no Green Ranger without you, Spike. Please, come back to the team." Spike put the Morpher back on, everyone clapping their hands and celebrating with a group hug.

The next day, Chosav was on the attack once more in the construction site of a new retirement home. All Six Rangers appeared in front of him, Morphed, Ghost looking around suspiciously. "Where's Black Phantom Ranger?" "I 'm right here!" the enemy Ranger announced, rushing past the General and slashing all six Rangers in a blur before returning to Chovas.

"You were weak in our last battle and you still are!" Chosav announced, pulling his sword out, Black Phantom spinning their Morpher and calling out "Dark Transcendence!" the warrior called out, turning into the samurai styled monster Treacheron, pulling its sword out and ready for battle. "You want sword play? You'll get sword play!" said Legacy Green, spinning the hands of his watch to hit 7:00, the other four following suit. "Legacy Transcendence! Go Galactic!" they all called out, becoming the Rangers of the Lost Galaxy. Ghost Ranger spun his own Morpher to the same time, calling out "Legacy Transcendence! Magna Power!" he transforming into the Magna Defender.

Letting out a roar, Chosav brought his sword down for a wave slash, the Legacy Galaxy Rangers jumping over it and running animal style over to him, each going for a strike with their Quasar Sabers, which he blocked. The Treacheron copy flew at Legacy Magna Defender, the two locking blades before Defender rolled to the side, sheathing his sword and putting it onto gun mode, shooting a few blasts at his opponent, who slashed them away. The two circled one another before the Treacheron copy went for a stabbing attack, Legacy Defender grabbing the copy's head and slamming his own helmet down onto it, causing his enemy to grab their face in pain. Next he pulled his sword back out and sent for his own lunging stab, only for his opponent to make a quick series of hand motions, vanishing from the battle with an evil laugh.

"Lights of Orion, Activate!" the Five Rangers yelled, gold and green armor adorning their belt buckle, a bracer for their arms, and their Quasar Sabers powering up. They attacked General Chosav with renewed vigor, manging to drive him back slightly. "Lights of Orion, Power Up!" the team called, turning into a giant ball of light firing at their enemy, who held his blade up and, with a battle aura surrounding him, sent the attack backwards, the Rangers returning to their base suits.

"You're still too weak to defeat me. I'll finish you all off now and be done with you!" "No..It's not over. Not yet!" Legacy Green slowly stood up, a green aura surrounding his body as he held his Stingray Katana in hand.

"My father and uncle fought against the forces of evil, I can continue that legacy..I am a Power Ranger, and I will not allow you to harm this planet, or my friends! GREEN LEGACY BATTLLEIZER!" Legacy Green exploded with power; his Ranger suit was now similar to that of the Samurai Ranger Shogun Mode, but it was slimmer and fit his frame, his katana becoming larger in size. "You wanted a fight? You got one!" "Face me, warrior!" Chovas and Legacy Green ran at each other, yelling as Green raised his sword up, lightning striking it. "LIGHTNING SMASHER!" Bringing the full force of the katana down upon his enemy's blade, the force of the strike broke Chosav's katana, and also caused the Green Battleizer armor to explode off of him like blocks of data. "You have managed to defeat me, if only temporarily. I shall meet you all in battle again. NOKBOTS!" Chosav snapped his fingers, giant Nokbots stomping around the city as the General vanished.

"That was -awesome!- cheered Legacy Blue, Legacy Defender having helped them get back up and surrounding Spike, everyone cheering. "No time for congratulations. We still have a fight to win." said Green. "You're right. Guys, let's form the Legacy Megazord!" Legacy Red ordered, everyone summoning their Zords, while Legacy Defender called "Torozord, charge!" The ghost of a large Bull Zord stampeded forward, firing off eye beams that caused Defender to grow to its own height as Mega Defender Mode, Torozord standing on its hind legs, allowing the warrior to fit inside when it split open, closing once he was inside. The Legacy Rangers formed the Legacy Megazord, the two robots standing side by side.

"Lost Galaxy Power! Lights of Orion Megazord Mode!" The Legacy Megazord glowed momentarily, with a gold and green armor appearing on its chest and crown, the Stingray Ax turning into the Green Condor. "Alright guys, let's take these knuckleheads out!" said Legacy Red. "Gladly!" Legacy Magna Defender called, the Torozord spinning around rapidly, striking a few Nokbots and knocking them to the ground. "Lost Galaxy Legacy Missile!" The Green Condor shot forward, taking out the rest of the Nokbots. "Good job, Rangers. That's a a win and a half!" Legacy Red declared.

The next day in the Garage, the Rangers had brought Spike in blindfolded for a surprise. Once they were ready, the blindfold came off, and Spike saw before him a green and white frosted cake with the words 'Our friend, our ally. Green Ranger." decorated on it. "You did well out there yesterday, Spike. We're all proud of you." said T.K, setting down plates, forks and napkins onto the table. "Could you please go get the cake slicer?" she asked him, he going to grab it, and on the way back, tripped on a power chord, ending up face first in the cake, the others wincing. Slowly he stood up and took a finger full of frosting, licking it off. "Mmmm, chocolate!" he said with a snorting laugh, the others joining him.

-To Be Continued-

Last edited by The Ghost Ranger; 02/03/15 at 04:08 AM.
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