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Old 08/17/10, 05:06 PM   #3
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Default Re: Some Fanfic ideas

Hmm that's all interesting.

I sometimes like to joke that there was this secret unaired PR/VRT crossover made during the third season of PR, and that my user name on Rangerboard is reference to the MOTD's Japanese name my only thing is I'm not sure what it should be about other than I want to use it as way to explain the battle grid suits the VR Troopers have by saying the box of Isis was really a piece of damaged Eltarian technology, and maybe have that as a plot point to connect the two shows together

I always thought it would be interesting to make a third, and maybe fourth season were they switch over to B-fighter.

Part of my problem is that I wish someone would have all the scripts or at least make transcripts from the actual show so I could get a good idea on how to write the episodes.

The idea about them repeating the same day was basically just some stand alone episode where Grimlord uses some whatever device on the troopers maybe while they are in the battle grid, and they don't notice anything until the next day and once they find out they fight one of Grimlord's mutants say Timebot I guess.

Same with the idea where they fight a Japnese yokai monster I just wanted to start small with my own stand alone episode, and I was trying to think of something that wasn't done on the show.

Some other ideas I have are when they switch over to season 2 Ryan gets a new battle grid suit that is based on his Shaider armor.

This may sound weird but before I actually saw the whole show I had this dream where there was an episode where the troopers were in battle grid mode in the real world like maybe something happened to their main armor so Professor Hart gave them the power to transform into battle grid mode in the real world.

Like maybe it could be a power up in season 2 to deal with the Ultra Skugs.
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