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Old 12/11/14, 06:49 PM   #5
The Ghost Ranger
Power Ranger
Join Date: 12/11/14
Location: Arizona
Posts: 186
Default Re: Power Rangers Legacy

Chapter 5: Battle at Turbo Speed

The Tul'Van space ship was rife with activity; Nokbots were training against General K'Turi, who flung them away with a swipe of his hammer, slamming it into the ground to create a blast that sent more away. He had been training for days, doing his best to become stronger in order to defeat the Legacy Rangers. Satisfied with his results against the henchmen, the hammer vanished, and K'Turi knelt before his Emperor. "Your Excellency, I am off to fight our enemy. I shall claim glory in your name and your Empire, or I will take them all out trying." The Emperor nodded his head at his General, who rose and turned on his heel, walking out the bridge door.

Down on planet Earth, Spike, Vanessa, Diane, Jerome, and Zeke were all in the Garage, T.K scanning their bodies with a small hand-held device, glancing to her computer screen as the data came up, she hitting a few keys on the keyboard to make it look nice and neat. "Absorbing the Zeo Crystal into the Morphing Grid has boosted your abilities by quite a bit. Your energy readings are higher then before, even yours Spike." she said with a small laugh, Spike giving a slight look of annoyance. "But the great news is; You'll be able to Transcend into the past Rangers for a longer time period now." "Excellent! Now we can take on more powerful Tul'Van soldiers." Zeke said with a fist pump, the others agreeing until Ghost Ranger spoke up. "

Do not become overconfident, the enemies we've fought so far were merely a taste of what the Empire is really capable of. We must be on the side of caution." "Ghost is right, even with the Legacy Powers at your disposal, you'll have to fight their soldiers at a moments notice, and their Generals are powerful." said T.K."How do you two know so much about them?" asked Diane "We discovered a scout ship in Earth's atmosphere a month ago. We sent a small camera drone towards it and spotted more ships, but for some reason they hadn't made any moves to attack. We kept an eye on it til the day I asked you to join me in this war." Ghost Ranger spoke, glancing over to the monitor when the alarms went off.

"This isn't a normal enemy. His readings are higher then normal, please be careful out there." T.K gave them a nod as the five stood side by side, Morphers held up. "Ready?" asked Jerome. "Ready!" His four friends said in unison, spinning their watch faces to Morph into the Legacy Rangers.

General K'Turi stood with a small army of Nokbots, the Rangers running towards him in an abandoned rock quarry, staring each other down. "Power Rangers! You have defied the Tul'Van Empire for long enough! I, General K'Turi will destroy you where you stand!" "Ghost, how strong is this guy supposed to be?" asked Vanessa. "I don't know, but if he really is a General, we'll need to be careful with him." their mentor said. "Nokbots, attack! Destroy the Rangers!" The two forces charged one another, the Rangers summoning their weapons as the Nokbots collided into them, Ghost Ranger leapt over the crowd to challenge K'Turi.

"You're the leader, are you not? Are you willing to challenge me one on one?" asked the alien, Ghost Ranger getting into a familiar fighting stance that Legacy Blue recognized a little when he blasted a Nokbot back with his Shot Blaster. "To make sure the Earth stands protected, we'll do whatever it takes to beat you." said Ghost, the two combatants running at each other. Ghosts fists becoming a blur as they rapidly struck against K'Turi's chests, the enemy warrior grunted in pain, the Ranger jumped up and did multiple kicks to his face, both opponents parrying and attacking, but the enemy swung one arm into Ghosts rib cage, causing him to stumble back; K'Turi continued the assault, punching Ghost over and over finally he summoned his hammer and in a wide swing, slammed it into his opponents chest, sending him back far. The General stood over the unconscious Ranger, hammer raised, "Now, I shall destroy you, and your friends will be next!"

"No!" Legacy Pink stood in front of her fallen comrade, Spark Staff held at the ready as K'Turi brought the hammer down for his attack, the two locked into one another, Pink let out a growl put one end of the staff into the ground, using it to spin herself around and kick K'Turi as hard as she could. He let out a yell, swinging his hammer to knock the staff away, and Pink went on the attack, kicking him multiple times, followed by a double palm thrust to his center, making him fly back slightly.

"We have to get Ghost back to the garage!" Legacy Yellow called to her teammates, throwing the final Nokbot over her shoulder and punching it in the chest to shut it down. Legacy Red wasted no time, running forward and going on the offense against the General as Legacy Blue and Green grabbed the knocked out Ranger, the over five vanishing into thin air, back to their headquarters as Red stood his ground, the General laughing wickedly. "I already took out one of your friends, it'll only be a matter of time before I do the same to you!" He let out a loud, roar like laugh before spinning on his heel and vanishing.

"T.K! He's been hurt bad!" Zeke said as the team arrived, their tech assistant taking Ghost Ranger and helping lay him on a nearby couch, grabbing the scanner to check out how bad the damage was. "No broken bones or internal bleeding...Looks like he was only knocked unconscious. He's lucky that's all that happened." "What do you mean? He's been hurt worse before?" asked Vanessa, removing her helmet, the others doing the same. "I've known him for a long time, let's just say he can be a bit reckless." "Why hasn't he De-Morphed?" Spike inquired, looking over their ally. "It's a fail safe he asked that I put into his Morpher, to make sure his identity stayed secret." "Will he be okay?" Diane asked concerned. "He'll be fine, but he wont be joining you in this fight, not until he wakes up."

"Your Excellency, I bring news of Victory! I took out the leader of the Legacy Rangers, now they are without their mentor and powerful ally." K'Turi spoke on one knee, head bowed before the Emperor, who nodded his head silently. "I shall go and finish them off immediately!"

Legacy Red appeared behind the others, removing his helmet and rushing over towards the others. "K'Turi is super strong, and that hammer of his makes him a formidable foe. There has to be a way to disarm him so we can attack. We can't just try to wail on him though." T.K walked over to her computer and typed in a few commands, bringing up a video of the previous battle. "According to this, he's powerful but slow to attack. You could use a fast power to your advantage." Jerome snapped his fingers, looking at the others. "Of course, that's it! Guys, I have an idea." They all leaned in together, the Red Ranger going over his battle plan in hushed tones.

K'Turi waited at the beach, the spray of the waves hitting him and the sand as the Rangers appeared in front of him, fully suited and ready to go for round two. "It is time to put an end to this once and for all. Prepare for your utter defeat, Rangers!" K'Turi yelled, summoning his hammer once more, summoning Nokbots to aid him. "We're going to make sure you pay for harming our friend, K'Turi!" said Legacy Pink, as she raised her Morpher up to spin the hands so they hit 5:00. The others followed her lead, calling out "Legacy Transcendence! Shift into Turbo!" The Rangers changed into the Turbo Rangers, spinning around with race car engine sounds sounding as they did so. "Red Lightning!" "Wind Chaser!" "Desert Thunder!" "Dune Star!" "Mountain Blaster!" "POWER RANGERS TURBO!" They all called out, multicolored explosions going off behind them.

"It doesn't matter what powers you use, I shall crush you with my hammer!" "Let's get them guys, this will be awe...some?" Zeke said slowly, realizing that he was notably shorter then the other four Turbos. Looking himself over, his eyes widened inside his helmet. "AHHHHHHH! WHY AM I SO SHORT!?" T.K's voice came over the Morpher-communicator, giggling. " Justin Stewart was only twelve years old when he assumed the mantle of Blue Ranger. I guess I forgot to archive the Turbo Powers turning him into a full teenaged warrior when Morphed." "Argh, T.K!" "Zeke, focus!" Legacy Red told his friend, the team staring T'Kuri down intently.

"Turbo Weapons, power up!" the team said as they each brandished their own Turbo Legacy Weapon. "Red Lightning Sword!" "Wind Fire!" "Thunder Cannon!" "Star Charges!" "Hand Blasters!" "LET'S DO IT!" Legacy Red yelled, the Rangers rushing forward, Legacy Pink shooting multiple Nokbots with her bow weapon, Legacy Blue following suit to fire off rapid rounds with his two handgun style weapons, Legacy Green planted himself at a stop and fired off the Thunder Cannon, the force knocking him onto his back with a thud. Legacy Yellow slammed her Star Chargers together, currents of electricity charging up as she slammed them into a group of the robots, short circuiting them. "Awww yeah!" she said, jumping up and down excitedly.

"Red Ranger, its your turn to taste my might!" K'Turi and Legacy Red met each other with weapons clashing against one another. "You won't stop us from protecting our planet! Neither will your Emperor!" "So you say, but can you even defeat me? Your friend was beaten quite easily!" Red had a brief flashback of Ghost Ranger being beaten, and then his Red Lightning Sword's blade began to glow, his attacks becoming a blur of speed, breaking the hammer in half. The Legacy Turbo Rangers rushed forward with race car engine sounds as they ran, each attacking K'Turi one after the other, with Blue running at him with a windmill punch, hitting him multiple times and finishing with a blast from the Hand Blasters. K'Turi fell to his knees, slamming his fists against the ground.

"Not yet. It's not over! REVIVE LASERS, FIRE!" He roared toward the sky, getting hit with the lasers and growing tall. "Legacy Zords, Power up and Combine!" The Rangers called, turning to their normal suits as their Zords came out of hiding, the Rangers jumping into their respective vehicle, and after a moment, formed the Legacy Megazord,

"You're going down, even if I go down too!" K'Turi brought out his hammer once more and slammed it onto the ground, the earth splitting open, the Megazord falling into it as their enemy ran at them the hammer glowing when it was brought back down onto their backside. "He's too strong! We're going to need a speed boost if we're going to beat him." Legacy Red turned to Green and Yellow. "Get ready for a new weapon!" The Rangers held their Morphers up, spinning the hands of the watches to 5:00, the Turbo Megazord Saber landing in the Wolf Zords hand. Legacy Blue, still being short, managed to get the robot back on its feet.

"What? How are you still able to stand?! My hammer is too powerful!" "Because we have one thing you don't; The Power to protect our friends!" Legacy Pink said. The Legacy Megazords legs would open up on the back, revealing thrusters, and it rushed forward, starting to spin midway as it slashed him, repeating the attack again and again. "Turbo Legacy Maximum Spinout!" the Rangers said together, K'Turi repeatedly being cut by the sword, dropping his hammer. "This may be the end for me, but there will be others! You will not win!" General K'Turi fell forward, exploding into nothingness.

"So, K'Turi is defeated, such a shame." Said a voice, belonging to a Samurai looking monster, kneeling before the Emperor. "I, Chosav, will take his place, Your Excellency. My weapon against the Rangers cannot lose.." He said, laughing as a helmeted warrior behind him looked at the Earth, the visor glowing a dim white.

At the Garage, the Rangers were checking on Ghost Ranger, T.K having been monitoring both him and the battle. "You did good Rangers, Ghost is going to be fine, he'll just need some rest." "Man, it feels great to be normal sized again!" Zeke said, shuddering slightly when he recalled becoming the short Turbo Blue Ranger. "Aww, you were so cute though!" said Vanessa in a teasing manner, causing the geek to blush. "K'Turi said there would be others, and we don't know how powerful they'll be." said Spike, looking over at their field leader. "We'll be ready for them. I say we go home, get some sleep, and meet up at school tomorrow to talk more about it. We've all had a long day." Jerome said. The others said goodbye to T.K, leaving the Garage to head home.

A few hours later, Ghost Ranger slowly stood up, walking over to T.K, and removing his helmet, though it would only show the back of his head. When he spoke, his voice was no longer distorted by his helmet, and sounded familiar. "T.K, I can feel a dark power in the air. They're back.." T.K looked up, eyes widened and slightly horrified. "Oh no.."

-To Be Continued-
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