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Old 10/30/14, 09:52 PM   #4
Ellen Brand
Putty Patroller
Join Date: 09/07/11
Posts: 15
Default Re: Fathers and Sons

In the Power Chamber, Billy immediately went to work on the computers, hurriedly running through everything he knew of to try to find Adam. When nothing worked, he slammed his hands down on a console in frustration.

..........Finally, Tommy spoke up. "I have a suggestion."

..........Turning towards the leader of the Rangers, Billy bit back the sarcastic comment that rose to his lips. "Yes?" he asked coolly.

.........."Warpitor transports people via space warp, right? Now I don't know much about science, but even I know that folding space would result in some sort of disturbance. Shouldn't that still be detectable?"

..........Billy nodded. "Yes, but I don't know what to scan for. I have no knowledge of the composition of Warpitor's warp beams."

..........Tommy grinned predatorily. "That's where I come in. I'll lure Warpitor out and make him take a shot at me. I'm sure I can tick him off that much. When he does, Billy, you can scan it and use that to run your trace on Adam. Sound good?"

..........Billy grinned. "Sounds great. Let's do it."

..........The Rangers then morphed, teleporting out to Angel Grove Park. Sure enough, they hadn't been there fifteen minutes when Warpitor appeared.

.........."Hello, Rangers. Looking for something?" the monster crowed.

.........."Where's Adam?" Red Ranger asked coldly.

.........."Yeah, we want our friend back, you reject from a Star Trek convention!" chimed in Blue Ranger.

.........."Well, that can be arranged. Why don't I send you to him!" Warpitor fired another one of those glowing warp bubbles at the Rangers. This time, the Rangers dodged out of the way.

.........."Now, Billy!" Red Ranger cried.

.........."I've got a lock!" came the answer. "Running trace now!"

.........."Then let's finish this!" yelled Red Ranger. "Zeo Power Cannon, now!"

..........At this point, Warpitor decided that discretion was the better part of not getting blown up, and decided to disappear- literally. He teleported back to Zedd's Winnebago Base.

.........."C'mon guys," Red Ranger sighed. "Let's go back to the Power Chamber. Maybe Billy's found Adam."

..........Green Ranger and Trevor were standing outside the entrance to the Maze of Shilratha when Green Ranger's communicator toned.

.........."Hello!" the wristband squawked. "Hello! Green Ranger, do you read me?" Green Ranger couldn't believe it. The voice on the other end was Billy's! Quickly he pressed the "transmit" button.

.........."Green Ranger here. Man, what are you doing back? I thought you were on Aquitar!"

.........."You didn't expect me to leave my best friend lost in some dimensional rift, did you? No, on second thought, don't answer that. Is Detective Park all right? Do you know where you are?"

.........."I wish," Green Ranger sighed. "Detective Park is fine. He's even revised his opinion of the Power Rangers. We're the good guys now."

.........."Will wonders never cease?" Billy chuckled. "Blue Ranger told Mrs. Park what happened to her husband and son, so she won't be too worried when they come home."


.........."What about my son?" Trevor asked, grasping Green Ranger's shoulder.

.........."Adam Park got swept up in the anomaly too," Billy told them, just the right hint of concern in his voice. "He didn't get drawn all the way in, and we're taking care of him. He's not really hurt, just a little shaken up."

..........Green Ranger grinned beneath his helmet as he understood what his friend was trying to do. "Got it," he sent. "I think that makes us all feel better. Listen, Zordon, do you know anything about the Maze of Shilratha?"

..........Zordon's familiar voice boomed from the communicator. "Indeed I do. It was a training ground for the wielders of the Morphin power. At its center is the Eye of Shilratha, a gem of great power that will enable you to get home. First, however, you must reach it. This will not be easy, as teleporting in is impossible and the traps were made lethal when the maze was closed."

.........."Why was it closed, Zordon?" Green Ranger asked.

.........."Because Shilratha's Rangers were turned to Darkness and stripped of their powers. The Morphin Masters wished to make sure that no evil person could ever access the Eye again."

..........Green Ranger turned to Trevor. "Are you up to this?" he asked

.........."Sure thing. This is the most fun I've had in years," Trevor replied sourly. "Let's go." Slowly, the two made their way into the maze, unsure of what they might find.

..........Tired, Trevor leaned against a wall to catch his breath. "I feel like I'm stuck in 'The Goonies,'" he grumbled. "Collapsing floors, falling rocks, even the occasional, extremely cliche closing-in wall trick! What next?"

.........."Don't ask," Green Ranger chuckled. "You probably don't want to know." Silently, Green Ranger thanked whatever Powers existing that of all the people to get swept up in this adventure with him, his companion had been his father. Between the two of them, they had had the necessary skills to bypass each trap. Trevor had shot the switch that stopped the walls from closing in, Green Ranger had been able to vault off the collapsing floors before they fell, and they had both spied the trigger stones for the falling rocks. Now, the corridor before them looked clear, but neither of them was foolish enough to trust appearances.

..........Cautiously, Green Ranger picked up a rock and rolled it down the hallway. Nothing happened. He gingerly took a step forward, then another. Still, nothing appeared. Suddenly Trevor's hand shot out and grabbed the Ranger's shoulder in a vise-like grip.

.........."Wait. I hear something." Picking up a somewhat larger rock, he dropped it straight down. The weight and pressure caused spikes to shoot up from under the stones. "I heard them setting themselves," Trevor explained. "Come on. I'll set them off and you can shoot them with that pistol thing you carry."

..........In this manner, Green Ranger and Trevor managed to reach the center of the maze. There, they found the Eye of Shilratha floating in an energy field. "With that, I can power up my communicator enough to teleport us home," Green Ranger whispered. Trevor simply nodded, awestruck by the sight of the gem. The Eye was a hunk of topaz approximately the size of a man's head, glowing with a soft, golden light. As Green Ranger reached for it, there was a crackling noise, and the two men whirled to see Lord Zedd standing behind them.

.........."I thought no one could teleport in here!" Trevor cried.

.........."He's a hologram," responded Green Ranger. "What do you want, Zedd?"

.........."I want the Eye, of course," replied the villain, grinning evilly. "What else would I want?"

.........."You're not going to get it," Trevor growled. "There's no way either of us would let a creep like you at so much power."

.........."Ah, but Detective Park, I believe I have something that you'll want to make a trade for."

.........."What?" Trevor asked, in his deadly "interrogation" voice.

.........."This." The hologram changed to show a scene of Adam, struggling with the Tengas. He fought bravely, but was soon overwhelmed. The Tengas teleported him to a cave in which he was imprisoned. "The choice is yours, Detective," Zedd's voice continued. "Give me the Eye, or your son will become a meal for my Tengas. Simply take the stone and throw it through the holographic gate."

.........."Adam," Trevor whispered in a pained voice.

..........Green Ranger looked at his horrified father. Zedd had hatched a truly fiendish plot this time. Trevor had no way of knowing that his son was standing beside him, and according to Zordon's rules, he couldn't be told. Zedd was betting that Trevor's dislike of the Rangers and love for his son would win out over his honor. The frightening thing was that Green Ranger couldn't be sure that Zedd was wrong.

.........."You can't give him that stone," Green Ranger said quietly.

..........Furious, Trevor whirled on the younger man. "That's my son! I can't just leave him to become bird bait!"

.........."Would he want you to give up that stone?"

.........."Yes! No- I don't know. I only know that if I don't, my son will die."

..........Green Ranger shook his head. "No he won't. Zedd isn't holding Adam prisoner. It was an illusion."

.........."And just how do you know that?"

.........."The Rangers were guarding him. Do you really think that they'd let Tengas run off with your son?"

..........Trevor scoffed. "Oh, and I suppose you've never lost anyone you were guarding." Green Ranger did not reply, and Trevor sighed. "That was low, and I'm sorry. The point is, we can't know that Zedd doesn't have Adam, and I can't take the chance. I have to give him the Eye."

..........Green Ranger sighed as well. It looked as though the choice had been made. "No, you don't. I'm telling you, I know that Zedd doesn't have your son."

.........."How?" Trevor cried, frustrated. "How do you know that?"

.........."Because I'm right here, Dad." Slowly, Green Ranger removed his helmet. Trevor Park gaped as his older son's familiar face stared back at him.

.........."ADAM? You're a Power Ranger?" Adam nodded. "How long has this been going on?"

..........Adam laughed. "About a year and a half now, Dad. Right after we moved to Angel Grove."

..........Trevor shook his head. "Fathers are always the last to know. I wish you hadn't lied to me, but I understand. I'm glad you're all right. Let's go home." Adam nodded again, and the two men laid their hands on the Eye. Forming their wish, they instantly disappeared and were on their way to Earth, and the Power Chamber.

..........Trevor and Adam reappeared in the Chamber, much to the consternation of the Rangers, who were not wearing their helmets. Before a word could be spoken, Adam raised his hands for silence and said, "It's okay, guys. My dad knows about me. I had to tell him to keep Lord Zedd from getting his hands on the Eye."

.........."It is good to have you back, Adam," Zordon rumbled. "Now, however, I think that you and the other Rangers should teleport to the park. Warpitor is causing a great deal of trouble."

..........Tommy nodded. "We're on it, Zordon. Adam, good to have you back, buddy. Back to action!" The Rangers disappeared, leaving Trevor with Billy, Jason, Zordon, and Alpha.

..........Billy smiled. "I know this is a shock for you, Detective Park, so why don't I tell you the whole story? I'll start at the beginning. One fine day in December, almost three years ago, I was at the youth center when a witch by the name of Rita Repulsa escaped her confinement...."

..........Trevor listened to Billy's recounting of the history of the Power Rangers, enthralled, and a little appalled at how blind he had been to the changes in Adam's behavior. Billy's story was so interesting that only when the Rangers returned from the battle did Trevor realize how neatly he had been manipulated. He had been so drawn in by the tale that he had completely forgotten to worry about Adam. Now, however, his concern returned in full force.

.........."Adam, are you all right?" he asked.

..........Adam nodded. "Sure, Dad. I'm fine. Listen, I'm sorry I never told you about this, but-"

..........Trevor cut him off. "Adam, I understand. I don't like the idea of you lying to me, but I understand why you did it. Now that I know, however, I don't ever want you lying to me again, understand?"

.........."Yes sir," Adam grinned. Then he demorphed. "We should head home. Mom is probably tearing her hair out over what happened to us. What on earth are we going to tell her?"

..........Trevor grinned. "You let me handle your mother, Adam. C'mon, let's go home." With that, the two men teleported out.
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