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Old 03/02/15, 09:39 AM   #9
Becky G
Power Ranger
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Default Re: Power Rangers Megaforce/Super Megaforce

Power Rangers Megaforce Chapter 9

*Back on the Warstar out comes an new and more powerful Malkor*

Vrak get in here!!!

Vrak: *Enters in the room with Malkor*

Yes Malkor.

Malkor: Is the yellow ranger ready for battle?

Vrak: Yes Malkor she will do as she told.

Malkor: You had better be right or you both shall meet my wrath.

Vrak: Don't worry your plan will work and the rangers as well as the human race will fall.

Malkor: Let's go and bring the yellow ranger with you.

Vrak: Yes Malkor.

*Goes to earth with the yellow ranger*

*Emma was sitting down in the park looking at her camera and all the pics she had with Gia as well as the video's of them*

Gia I miss our friendship.

Jogging sees Emma and asks whats wrong.

I miss Gia and I know Noah does to, just as much as everyone else.

I know it's hard hugs her.

*Hugs back*

Yeah once we get her back I'm going after him alone.

No your not.

Try me he messed with the wrong ranger and my best friend no one uses my best friend against us.

*Sitting in the classroom thinking about all the good times we had together*

I never had a best friend but just relax.

*Shows up outside the school scaring all the students and attacking them*

*Pulls out my morpher*

Noah it's Emma umm I think you need to look outside.

*Walks over to the window and looks outside*

Oh no he's the school Emma I can slow him down you guys just get here.

Pulls mine gets my card puts it in the morpher.

Go Go Megaforce.

Alright Troy and I are on our way be careful.

*Pulls out my morpher and card*

Go Go Megaforce,

*We run to the school*

Ha ha ha power rangers come out come out whereever you are.

*Shoots an energy ball at the building*

Stop right there.

*Pulls out my weapon and fires*,

Noah were outside the school.

*Inserts my change card*


*Morphs as I run outside*

Noah thank god your here shall we work together.

Were going to have to in order to bring this creep down.

Like thats going to help you rangers.


Give me your best shot.

I'll go first.

*Fires up my weapon and runs at him attacking him*

Where is our friend.

*Defends off the attack*

I'm barely breaking a sweat.

*Swats you away like a pink fly*


*Goes flying just missing Noah and lands on the ground hard*

*Runs to Emma*

Em you ok.

Yeah I am he's gotten strogner.

My turn.

*Summons sharkbow gun and charges at Malkor*

Pulls my weapon card dargon sword slashes him hard.

*Emma manages to get to her knees*

Bring it on rangers give me your best shot.

*Blocks and counters and does a spin attack knocking everyone away*

*He gets there*

I missed a lot.

*He grabs his power card and morpher*

Go Go Megaforce!

*He puts it in and morphs*

Noah we have to work together to take him down.

Falls gets up says that all you got hits him again.

*Gets knocked down and gets up slowly*

Yeah Emma is right....we have to work together.

So let's try it together.


You puny rangers are no match for me....Vrak! get down here with our secret weapon!.

*Looks Noah and Troy*

Secret weapon.

Guys I don't like the sound of that...we have to strike now while he's distracted....Troy I think its time to go ultra.

I agree let's go ultra.

*Looking up into the sky*

Vrak its time....bring our surprise guest.

Look up everyone remain calm.

We are calm just have to be careful.

Shows up with Vrak, Blasts them and stands next to Malkor and Vrak.

*Goes down*

What the, Gia what are you doing.


Emma you take Malkor Noah see if you can get Gia back Vrak I'm ending you runs at him dargon sword slashes him.

~Back at base~

Come on guys!.

He's to strong for me, it's best I take Gia.

You sure you can handle me.

I'll handle you.

*Pulls out my blaster and points it at her*

Let's see what you got wait a minute there are 2 rangers missing but one in particular.

Yeah they should be here soon.

*Keeps my blaster pointed at you*

Don't make me use this.

Em i know you will never use it on me.

Try me backstabber.

No calling me names and i'm not a backstabber.

Go take out the pink ranger first.


I can take out the red ranger.

*Summons the meteor strike and fires it at the red ranger*

*Summons my sharkbow gun and jumps in the line of fire out of no where taking the hit*


*Drops to my knees and falls*

Justin works with Gosei to get everything ready in the Command Center.

"Teleport Noah here!".

Looks at Malkor Why don't you do it i'm not going to hurt them especially Noah i could never hurt them and i never will Runs over to him helps him up Are you ok.

Dodges runs at him slashing him.

Sure you are and to ever think we were best friends, Malkor your going down and so is Vrak I'm not playing around anymore

Points it and fires at Malkor*

You turn her back or I destroy both of you, Gia Noah will be fine help him to his feet.

Helps you to your feet how bad does it hurt taking that shot for Troy.

Gia is that you....what about the brain wash Malkor put you through.

*Starts to drift off from the pain*.

Yes it's me i can fight it stay with me until Vrak and Malkor leave.

Troy can you handle Vrak,

*Keeps firing at Malkor*

Turn her back you ugly moth, Gia teleport him back to the command center.


Aww....little pink ranger and her empty you really think you can beat me...yellow ranger get over here now!! Vrak finish off those pesty rangers.

Vrak: As you wish Malkor.

Fires at Vrak and than aims at Malkor*

Make me you ugly moth.

Please stay with me i need you cause if i get hurt Troy is gonna have to carry me back forget it i'm never going back over to you.

Vrak i'm ending you slashes him 3 times.

Like you have a choice.... Vrak is the device ready.

Vrak: Yes Malkor.

Hands it to him Here.

*Takes the device*

Your coming with me one way or another.

*Activates the device causing pain on the yellow ranger*.

*Groaning in pain and coughing trying to stay awake*.

Noah you rest I've got this covered,

*Points it towards Malkor*

Stop hurting her you ugly moth.

*Blasts him more*.

*Swats away the blasts and cranks up the power causing more pain*

The more she resists and you try to fight me the more power I increase to harm your precious yellow ranger.

What do you want me to do than kick your butt without my weapon or are you scared to be beat by a girl.

*Passes out*.

Kicks Vrak.

Emma get Noah to safty.

*Sighs and runs over to him*

Noah wake up we need you, Gia needs you.

*Helps him to the building and bandages his wounds*

You beat me pink ranger....ha how about this you face me one on one and if you can defeat me I will leave your little yellow ranger alone but if you try to trick me then I will crank it up to full power how about that.

Deal Troy finish off Vrak and stay with Noah, Gia how do you feel.

Vrak: *Takes the hit and falls* ranger you going to pay for that.

*Fires a energy blasts at the red ranger*.

Emma don't.

This is bad Noah's passed out Gia is gone i had it Vrak your a chicken.

Sorry Gia it's either this or we lose you go to Noah, alright Malkor you ugly insect let's do this.

Vrak: Malkor since you get the pink ranger then I will take out the red one.


How about interference or else.

*Pulls out my weapon and goes ultra mode*

Ultra mode activate, alright Malkor let's end this.

Gosei blaster shoots it as he goes out cold.

You won't lose me i can fight this no matter how hard he can go.

Gia go stay with Noah please this moth is pissing me off.

I can't not as long as he has control over me even if he cranks it up it won't hurt me that much.

Lets do this pink ranger....

Vrak: *jumps up out of the way and fires a blast of my own at the red ranger*

*Charges up my powers and attacks firing and running towards you*

Ducks as i grab him throws him in the air slashes him down.

Yellow ranger when I'm done with her I'm coming for you.

*Summons meteor strike and fires it at the pink ranger*

~Reappears and blocks it~

Oh no you don't!.

No you won't cause i'm never going back there or with you.

*Blocks the attack* That all you got.

~Justin goes to look for Noah~.

*Sees Justin*

Justin over by the building.

*Sees the battle and drives over to get Noah*

Come on pal let me get you out of here.

*Helps Noah in my jeep and drives off without anyone seeing me*

~Looks over~

Huh? Tommy!.

Justin help Troy I'll be fine.


~Goes over to Troy~

Hey man Need a hand?.

Vrak: Stay out of it your breaking our deal...if you but in again the whole city will be destroyed.

*Points up showing the Warstar*

Don't make me crash our ship into your planet.

No it won't you will never destroy this city.

Vrak: You want to push your luck or are you going to call off little boy green over here.

I thought Malkor meant interferring with him and me you ugly insect, he's not little.

Justin Vrak is mine.

Gia how are you feeling, alright Malkor show me what you can do or are you scared.

Vrak: Red ranger lets finish this once and for all.

*Shoots a blast at the red ranger*.

Don't worry about me if they keep it up i'm kicking their butts.

Your asking for it pink ranger.

*Summons plantary blasts and fires at the pink ranger*

Ducks runs fast slashing him so hard that he falls.

*Tries to hold off the attack with my weapon and keep smy balance as I unlease my Phoenxi power and fires*

*Takes Noah to my secret lab away from the battle so he can rest*

Emma catch Throws you my tiger claw they know i am never going back there.

*Catches it*

Thanks Gia,

*Holds it and waits*.

~Goes over to Troy~

Hold on man!.

That's way you could of survive that attack....I under estimate you rangers.

You always do villain!.

I'm not weak I'm strong and when it comes to my home and nature I do what ever I can to save it so your going down and when I beat you return her back.

*Uses the Tiger Claw*

Vrak: Ahh...

*Falls on the ground*

You have to do better then that red ranger...

*Gets up*

Now Vrak you hand over Gia.


~Charges and spins as I attack him with my weapon~.

Justin can you keep searching for Noah cause he's not here i still can't lose him where ever he is.

Vrak: Foolish red ranger I don't have your precious yellow ranger that would be Malkor but I'm going to end you you once and for all.

He is safe with Tommy.


Laughs uses my blaster sword slashes and shoots you.

Emma i know you can do it besides it doesn't hurt when he truns it up i'm tougher than he thinks.

You have to destroy me in order to do that pink ranger.


Now your going to witness my ultimate power.

*Summons both my meteor strike and plantery blasts and combines it firing it at the pink ranger*

*Tries to hold off the attack with my weapon and Tiger Claw but they fall to the ground*

This isn't good.

*I think and pull out my Phoenix shot and tries to block it*.

*Keeps firing the ultra blasts*.

*Tries to keep dodging and tries to fire back*.

Vrak: Ahh.

*Falls on the ground but gets back up*

I'm not finish yet red ranger....

*Keeps coming at the red ranger*.

Come on Em you can do this don't worry even if you keep trying he won't hurt me.

*Energy level is starting to go weak but I keep firing the ultra blasts*

Slashes him harder.

*Keeps firing blast after blast trying to keep going*

I'm not giving up yet you big ugly moth.

Gosei: *Contacts both Emma and Troy*

Troy you have to go ultra to defeat Vrak once and for all or he will just adapt and get stronger and Emma here is a new power card but it can only be use once use it to combine your phoniox shot and Gia's Tiger claw together to form a duel victory charge.

Thanks Gosei I'm getting tired.

*Gets the power and combines it with my Phoenix shot and Gia's Tiger claw and fires it towards Malkor*

Say good bye loser insects.

*Tries to counter it with my ultra blast but is to weak and takes the full hit*

Ahhh impossible.

*Falls blowing up*

Storm power ultra mega force red flames of the dargon shoot my blasts at Vrak.

Vrak: Come on red ranger you have to be stronger then that.

*Laughs as I slash the red ranger*

*Emma falls to the ground exhausted*.

~Runs over to Emma~


Please tell me he's gone for good.


No Emma.

Slashes Vrak breaking his sword slashing him hard runs to her.

"Gosei, get us out of here!".

I need to go look for Noah i just hope they are gone for good.

Vrak: sword.

*Takes the hit*


*Falls to the ground but gets back up*

Come on you have to do better then that red ranger.

Justin get Emma out of here.

Slashes him again.

*Emma lays there and whispers weakly*

Where's Gia, and Troy.

~Nods, teleports with Emma to the Command Center~.

Gosei: *Teleports Emma back to the command center along with Gia and Justin*

Contacts Troy;

Troy use your fire storm victory charge on Vrak.

Gia is ...still up there Troy is still fighting.

I tried my hardest but he almost defeated me, any word on Noah.

Noah is with Tommy, healing.

I'm just so weak and tired, Gia's not gonna forgive me.

Puts my fire storm victory charge in and activates it as i hit Vrak.


*Takes a direct hit blowing up*.

You did all you could do.

Now Malkor its your turn.

Yeah but it almost caused Gia to be pure evil.

*Starts to cry just a little and turns away as I try to sit up but just lays there*

Justin can you bring Troy back I don't feel so good.

Troy are you sure they are both gone for good.

Gosei: Rangers I am picking up the blue rangers morpher some where in the woods...go now.

On my way go to the woods.

Gosei are you sure he's ok he took a hard hit.

Gosei: His morpher is fine but you have to find him...he's in the woods somewhere.

*I slowly get to my feet*

Alright teleport me out of here and to the woods so I can meet the others.

Gosei: No Emma you and Gia need to stay here to rest.

Gosei: *Teleports Troy and Justin to the woods*.

*I sit down and go in my bag for water and hands one to Gia*.

Alright Gosei were to.

*Is in my secret lab still healing Noah*.

Are you sure they are gone for good cause something doesn't feel right.

*Picks up another morpher signal in the woods*

Let me go see who it is wait here pal.

*Runs out into the woods*.

She can't be and never will Her will is too strong.

Looks around.

*Waits there on the table resting*.

*Sees 2 more teens looking around in my woods*

Hey you kids what you 2 doing in my woods.

Look were looking for our firend he wears black glasses.

Em something doesn't feel right.

Black glasses huh does he also wear a blue blazer?.

Yes his name is Noah.

I think I know where your friend is at follow me it's not safe out here.

How do i know i can trust you.

What's wrong Gia.

Just follow your heart and instinct and trust I will bring you to your friend.

Vrak isn't gone he's still alive.

*Looks at her*

How do you know this.

Tensou: But I watched him go down right before my eyes.

*Moves away from her*

What about Malkor he's gone isn't he.

Gosei: Yes Tensou Vrak did go down but there is another force that can bring him back.

Alright follows.

Malkor is but Vrak isn't he was the one who put me in the machine when Malkor was in his cocoon i'm still connected to him even when Malkor is gone.

Gosei: Yes Malkor is gone but there is a bigger threat to where Vrak can be brought back to life stronger than ever.

Gosei is there away to get Gia unconnected to Vrak, and he's using Gia's mind to bring himself back.

Gosei: No Emma Gia is free from Malkor's control but there are other ways I'm afraid to where Vrak can come back.

*Looks down and tries not to cry not facing Gia*

Gia I'm sorry for calling you a backstabber and not my friend, I know you won't forgive me for that so if you have something to say please say it.

*Leads Troy to a secret entrance*

Now kid you have to promise me not to say a word about this place to anyone you got that.

I did take something from him on the Warstar which he doesn't know but when Malkor used the device before he challenged you to fight when he turned it up the pain was to much my head is about to explode.

I promise not to say anything.

Just say it, I'm a lousy friend, I don't deserve a friend like you and whatever else you have to say.

*Looks at her and than at Gosei*

I'm sorry I can't do this.

*Hands Gia my morpher, Gosei teleport me to the forest please, if Troy asks tell him I'm at home.

Ok let's go in.

*Leads you inside to where Noah is*.

Sees Noah.

Are you ok.

Em don't this isn't about you it's about me if they come back just tell them where i went Hands you your morpher back your gonna need this.

Gia stay here and wait for Noah I have to get out of here I'm tired and don't feel good,

*I whisper in your ear*

I might be pregnant.

You gotta tell Troy wait for them to come back i have to go find something.

No I can't he doesn't even know, Gosei can you teleport me please, Gia don't tell him please.

Yes your friend is explain who and what were you kids doing out there in the first place and what is this.

*Shows you his morpher*

Were the power rangers we went into battle Noah got hurt please give it back.

So you guys are the new power rangers huh.

Back in my younger days I was one too.

Wait your Tommy.

Yeah that would be me but I go by Dr. Oliver now.

Noah let's go.
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