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Old 04/18/10, 03:41 PM   #31
Putty Patroller
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Join Date: 01/27/10
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Name: Yuuji Bikou

Age: 16


Memory: Weather

Vehicle: Elemental Striker, a motorcycle with lines forming cloud designs.

Personality: Emotionless. A young boy that thinks humans are like a virus.

Bio/how you got memory: Yuuji obtained the Weather Memory when he was at his house. He heard many stories of W, as well as Accel when he was young. His father was once a client of the Narumi Detective Agency, and he tells Yuuji about them. As Yuuji was reading a book, his head started to give out searing pain, knocking him out. When he awoke, his parents weren't there, as well as every inch of their existence. He stood there, emotionless. His world was destroyed as he stood there, shedding nothing but a single tear. He noticed a small gadget on the ground, it looked like something he could press on his arm. He took it, and he placed it on his arm....

Gaia location: The Lost City, a place where all five elements surround the city, as well as tomes that reveal the meaning of each element.


Weapon: The Pata, a gauntlet that has a blade attached to it. Combining it with his power, he is able to make deadly swift attacks.

Finisher: Do I really need a finisher? Oh well, here it is....

Twin Gale Strike - Using the power of wind, he makes two cyclones, then charges in, shooting out a gale that stuns the opponent.

Lightning Spear - Creates a spear out of lightning, then throws it.

Frozen Shock - Focuses power to make twin swords made out of ice, lightning surging into them.

Heaven's Strike - Summons out the full power of the Weather Memory, and uses it's power to attack the opponent. Wears out Yuuji greatly.
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