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Old 01/27/18, 06:29 AM   #2
Power Ranger
Join Date: 12/04/17
Posts: 188
Default Re: Why did Goldar Hate Rita

Maybe they had a fallout before Zordon trapped them into the dumpster. Goldar was actually Lord Zedd's minion, as per events in "The Mutiny": Goldar used to have wigs before the events in MMPR S1, was assigned to Rita and failed to do a mission under her command. Zedd takes away his wings and he gains his S1 look and that's exactly why he had a fallout with her. Somehow, he blamed her for his failure. When Zedd comes back, he is happy with Goldar's work as a warrior and chooses to give Goldar his original from and wings back. Until that happened, Goldar had no other choice but to put his feelings aside because he knew Rita was going to fail at defeating the Rangers and conquering the World, so he just waited for the right moment to say everything to her face. But than she got back to him with marrying Zedd, so he had to accept her once again, but this time as his master's wife.
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