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Old 09/07/09, 08:42 PM   #7
Power Ranger
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Originally Posted by PRangerX View Post

Its a shame DK is so underhyped and not on a particularly strong Network. This show deserves so much more attention then it is getting. Its a shame so many people gave up on it so early in our own very fandom. They really should consider givening it a second chance. Its not Power Rangers, but its something great in its own right. And really they never tried to be Power Rangers. Nor did they want to be. This is a good American Tokusatu. Probably the best ever outside of Power Rangers. I know we have more episodes to go to decide on that.
I think that the main reason why people gave up on this show is because they're already in the mindset that any Americanization of any Toku is going to be bad. I have to admit, when I first found the sneak preview on, I was getting a Power Rangers vibe from Len duking it out with the minions without his suit on, but I saw promise. (I was actually hoping for an American Ultraman, but Kamen Rider pleases me as well.) And the show really takes a while to pick up speed. The first few episodes I watched out of obligation (I felt it was my duty, and I still feel the same way), but I quickly learned to love the show.

And as I previously posted in another thread, I just don't understand why things are poppular in Japan, Australia, and China but not here (maybe the US is lame in terms of pop culture). It really comes as a blow to me that we don't take super heroes as seriously as the Japanese do.

I think that the show wasn't given a chance by many viewers because Power Rangers came first, and it's really the only thing they have to compare it to. Why people need something they already know to compare to something unrelated I don't know. I personally call it closed mindedness.

But hey, as to the show's poppularity, I've done my part! My, ex-girlfriend's little brother is now addicted!
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