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Old 08/13/21, 04:56 AM   #1
Power Ranger
Join Date: 12/04/17
Posts: 188
Default Re: What jobs would you want them to have?

Jason - martial arts tacher or a paramedic (like ASJ)
Trini - runs a chain of enviroment-based stores, all selling things for house, garden, etc.
Kimberly - runs a gym school
Billy - came back from Aquitar after his relationship with the Aquitian girlfriend didn't work out and now runs an IT company that is also a tech support company for all PR-based tech
Zack - runs a dancing school that features his own dancing styles
Tommy - see Dino Thunder
Adam - runs a music school and runs a business that has to do with his family's tradition on the side
Aisha - does the same as Trini, but with her own ways and ideas
Rocky - runs a dojo
Kat - runs a kindergarten
Tanya - TV show host, also produces other shows for other productions
Trey - on Triforia, doing his own thing
Justin - runs a private school for the same group of children that he was in when he got accepted into Angel Grove High
Cassie & Ashely - music stars but also run a music & video production together
T.J. - his own thing, whatever it is
Andros - same as T.J.
Leo/Mike - work at newly establsiehd GSA company as staff members ever since the destruction of Terra Venture
Kendrix - runs a science-based or a history-based company on Mirinoi
Maya - enviroment stuff
Kai - works as IT tech guy for the new GSA
Damon - still a mechanic
Karone - whatever she was doing after LG ended and before Legendary Battle took place
Carter/Dana/Ryan - run a new Aquabase
Mitchell - retired
Kelsey - runs a chain of sport-based stores
Joel - runs a private airport
Angela - the main IT tech person at the new Aquabase
Chad - whatever he does
Jen/Katie/Lucas/Trip - still cops at Time Force
Wes - took over his father's copmany, but he changed it in order to be able to work with Time Force much better for PR-related stuff (see DiD).
Eric - runs the Silver Guardians
Alex - after the WF/TF team-up, he left Time Force and became a detective who is an affiliate of Time Force
Cole - vetrenerian
Taylor - a pilot, probably retired by now
Ashely - see WF's finale
Max and Danny - run a travel company together
Merrick - whatever he does
Shane/Tori/Dustin - ninja senseis
Hunter/Blake - run a motorbike-based business
Cam - works in tech somewhere
Coner/Kira/Ethan - see "History"
Trent - runs a cafe bar and a painting-based business
The S.P.D. Rangers are probably back to Jack being their leader
Vida - DJ star and runs a 24/7 disco bar
Maddie - famous phorographer
Nick - (no idea)
Xander - comic book store
Chip - runs his own buisness, whatever that is
Leanbow - (no idea)
Udonna - (no idea)
Clare - (no idea)
Operation Overdrive Rangers - (no idea)
Casey - see SMF
Lily/Theo - (no idea)
R.J. - the pizza place
Dominic - found a stupid way to make his favorite hobby into a multi-billion business
R.P.M. Rangers - (no idea)
Colonel Truman - see BM
Dr. K. - see BM
Mia - runs a chain of resturants with the help of professional cooks
Emily/Mike - whetver they do is fine
Lauren - the same
Jayden - (no idea)
Antonio - runs a see resturant
Kevin - teaches swimming
Megaforce Rangers - to be revealed???
Orion - runs the Juice Bar with Ernie

I have no idea about what the rest of the Rangers would be doing for a living, since I've pretty much fallen out of the PR track because of what (Super) Megaforce was.
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