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Old 05/18/18, 08:27 PM   #9
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Default Re: The appeal of Tommy

Originally Posted by Captain Mutiny View Post
There is a lot more to it then that. The job was actually harder back then. And lets not forget the actors wouldn't have grown up with the series. Not that many actors let that influence their job.
Very true in fact here's basically a recap to give PRFan an idea of how bad it was back then especially during back then.
  1. They worked 14-16 hours a day on a daily basis
  2. They had to come in to do their ADR
  3. Their pay well let's just say McDonald's paid their employees better
  4. Stunts. Remember the ep where Billy and Kimberly switched bodies? During 1 of their tapings of that something went wrong and at least Amy got caught on fire. Nowadays? If a hero actor is that close to a fire device they won't let them do the scene unless they're 100% confident of their ability to do the scene but back then Saban Entertainment didn't have a choice since they budgeted for only so much stunt doubles so if they had their stunt team filming as Putties elsewhere then no one would've been available.
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