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Old 05/02/18, 09:51 AM   #3
Putty Patroller
Join Date: 05/02/18
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Default Re: Hasbro To Aquire Power Rangers

Well - New Age with new owner should make all great. Return serious tone, age connection 10-16 from Disney Age (even higher), bring more good writing and higher budget, and refuse to fart and children's humor (which is now time to make the entire entertainment industry) and formula "2 years for one team". Also, because Hasbro have tons of problems with fans thanks to Transformers movies (let's see what be with "Bumblebee"). Plus, make great and epic work with epic soundtrack, like in better times and this:
Also, I hope we got more quality and good games. Much better than Mega Battles:
With big budget and development with talent, like Platinum Games. Something like Transformers: Devastation, but with big budget.
And of corse - more quality for action figures. It's also one of the reasons, why Hasbro buying franchise.
But I hope, any good what we get in this decade stay. Sequel of movie 2017 we still see. Even, if it become part of Hasbro Cinematic Universe (with new Transformers reboot). And Boom still make new comic books (and don't have sad fate of Dreamwave Transformers and Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog). But I will not mind if the cause will take - IDW. And we got in this case crossovers with Transformers, G.I.Joe and - TMNT, again!
And my final big hope - animated movies for DVD and Blu-Ray. And those movies can be epic remakes of famous stories. Like "Green with Evil" and final of "In Space". Remake of "Green with Evil" can be in 2 parts, like "Dark Knight Returns", and with more darker and serious becoming of Tommy the Ranger villain and his redemption. And remake of "In Space" final can bee bigger, more epic and massive than original. With the moment where the Astronema reveals to the whole world the identity of the Rangers and stole their powers, and the final battle with the participation of all former Rangers, more epic than Legendary Battle in Super Megaforce.
Also I hope, we see adaptation of Kyuranger in 2020.
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