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Old 01/03/18, 02:13 PM   #25
Power Ranger
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Default Re: stupid questions about zeo and green rangers

Originally Posted by Minion View Post
1. Did anyone else think that Tommy would be the Green Zeo Ranger when they saw the first ad? I know i did, and I figured adam was a goner.

2. Speaking of Green Rangers, why are there so many? It started out with black over here, why did it switch to green for most of the time (other than the obvious sentai explanation)?

3. In the Power Of Gold ep, they REALLY set it up for Billy to look like the Gold Ranger. At the end, it even seemed like they knew it was him (although it wasn't) and were teasing him about it.
No but I was pretty surprised Adam was Green instead of Black.

It just depends on what Toei decides. They tend to rotate certain colors in and out. MMPR just happened to stsrt with a Sentai that used black.

I think Billy was always just supposed to be a red herring. They had no plans to make him a Ranger again.
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