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Old 12/04/17, 05:05 PM   #10
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Default Re: End of the Power Rangers

Originally Posted by Massive Ego View Post
In a lot of ways it truly was the end of Power Rangers. Since it was the end of the last real good season. Only the first half of RPM ever got back to the level of the first Saban Era.
I beg to differ granted Ninja Storm wasn't the best but I thought things got better once the Thunders got active. I didn't like most of the villains except for the male Generals with the exception of probably Motodrone and maybe Shimazu.

Dino Thunder was one of the better seasons on par with one of Saban's seasons granted I hated the Abaranger ep but other than that most other things were fine. I did hate the "Inspector Gadget" Battlizer and I hated how we had an extra Ranger as a power-up.

SPD I wasn't a big fan of. I didn't like the villains except for Broodwing, the monsters and the mooks. Jack's Battlizer was fine but the Sonic Mode was a more proper fit due to all of the extra armor that came from R.I.C. I hated the idea of the Ball of Light and how they introduced us to his friend Nova.

Mystic Force was a pretty good season my only complaints was no focus on Maddie and too much focus on Nick but other than that I really don't have a problem with it except I wasn't a huge fan of Morticon or Imperious.

Overdrive and Jungle Fury not the greatest.

RPM one of the best.

Samurai and Megaforce were both bad.

Dino Charge wasn't bad in fact it would've been one of the best if the finale wasn't horrible and IF we had gotten more focus on the Aqua Ranger.

Originally Posted by White Tiger Fan View Post
I loved the finale, it was a masterpiece that only Amit could create. I loved that he had the guts to actually kill off Master Org and not have him healed by a care bear stare. He had plenty of chances to back out and has no sympathy for me since he murdered Cole's parents in cold blood and would have done the same to Cole if he could.
of course an Amit lover would think that since in your mind he can do no wrong but some of us like me aren't blinded by how we feel but you do have a point about the Master Org being killed off but that wouldn't have been his decision to begin with anyway since if Saban and FOX was still running the show then we all know they'd be saying to purify him. I do agree with you about the Master Org being a cold blooded murderer he doesn't have any sympathy from me either although I think we've all been there when someone rejects our advances or feelings and we feel as if that person was the perfect match for us.

Originally Posted by KimandTommy View Post
i don't think you guys will argue with me about Master Org and/or Adler being evil.
what do you mean? of course they were evil granted Adler wasn't always evil but I do think he was mentally unstable due to how easy it was for him for him to get so enraged and angry through jealousy due to Elizabeth winning Richard's heart and because the Evans kept sharing the credit in what they were doing with Animaria and not sharing that credit with Adler even though all 3 were part of the same expedition team.

Originally Posted by No Green Spandex View Post
No,but Tommy as the next Master Org sounds good to me.
not me that wouldn't make any sense and Tommy being evil would be so 1994.

Originally Posted by Inner Senshi View Post
Isn't it a little much to bump a thread from 2002?
who cares? We have no rules on bumping ancient threads if someone sees a thread from hey let's say 1982 or even before Jesus was born then go ahead and bump it up if you have something to say to it.
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