Thread: Ask An Admin
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Old 11/25/17, 03:13 PM   #2
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Default Re: Ask An Admin

that's a good question well I actually didn't have many faults with Once a Ranger but I wouldn't have had the Overdrive just quit. They could've assisted the veterans like helping them out with piloting their zords since it'd be a new experience for Xander for 1 thing since he had never piloted a zord before. I also wouldn't have brought in Alpha 6 to fix the grid since I thought that was a disservice to the franchise using a previous character but cheapening out on the voice I mean if you're not going to pay to get the true voice actor back for a 1-time role then you shouldn't bother with the effort however I would've introduced a new Alpha (let's call it 8 or 9) who would've repaired the grid.

My next idea is while their selections were mostly perfect (and while Tori and Kira are some of my favorites from the Disney-era) I would've kept the Retro team in like with the Overdrive color scheme so we would've had Silver, Black, Pink, Blue, Yellow and Red for the Retro team.

Now for Silver I would go with Zhane.
Black I was fine with Adam leading the charge.
Pink I probably would go with either Kimberly, Cassie, Kendrix or Karone.
Blue can't really think of anyone better other than Tori sure I would probably say Billy if I didn't already choose Adam to represent MMPR but Cestro could be an option.
Yellow I'd say Kira but if not her then either Maya or Kelsey
and for Red I would probably go with Jack or Sky
and then to fight alongside Sentinel Knight once Mack restores him to physical form I would also add in Auric.

Thrax wouldn't have been my character but the same general idea would've been there. Let's call him Zrax and while he would be related to Rita and Zedd they wouldn't be the Parents of him but rather the Grandparents. Rita once gave birth to a daughter who she named Scrax who she named after her feared General but later on down the road Scrax gave birth to a baby boy named Zrax. Now only Rita was aware of this side of the family but due to the evil she had in her heart she completely forgot about that side of the family who was out-of-reach of the Z-Wave and therefore remained evil. They heard the story that Zordon sacrificed himself to purify Rita and Zedd of their evil energies.

The rest of the story would pretty much play out exactly the same but adding in extra scenes so that all Rangers who had them could show off all of their ground powers.
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