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Old 11/11/17, 08:44 PM   #10
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Default Re: Did Diabolico really turn good?

Originally Posted by Massive Ego View Post
Kim wasn't evil but she definitely had more character flaws than Kat. And its telling that she wasn't mature enough for a long distance relarionship with Tommy. Also Kat left the Rangers because Zordon and Dimitria felt it was time for the old Rangers to retire. Kim left for her own personal gain. Even though she had to be "talked into it".
that she did have more flaws than Kat did and Kimberly wanted to go train for the Pan Global games she was just reluctant about leaving the Ranger team but had a backup plan on standby if the others persuaded her to leave and to not worry about the Rangers.

Originally Posted by Captain Codfish View Post
Too be fair neither would most teenagers be ready for that type of relationship. We don't even know if Kat would have been in her place. It was arguably healthier for Kim and Tommy to break up before she left.
that's true not to mention Kat had just gotten through who knows how long of being under Rita's control. Tommy and Kimberly should've broken up before Kimberly left for training but why they didn't do that is beyond me.

Originally Posted by Evil Kim View Post
I think Kim had a lot of negative qualities that contribute to her eventually becoming a villain. But not because I hate the character. I really like Kim as a character. i just think it is an intriguing character development. Kat just doesn't seem to have much evil potential. Which iw probably the twisted reason Rita chose her. It amused her to force a pure young woman to be evil.
I agree that Kat doesn't have much evil potential it's telling that Lord Zedd himself wasn't that crazy about Kat but that he wanted to make Kimberly his new Rita and yes I do agree that those reasons were probably why Rita chose her well that and the fact that Kat was new in the area and therefore no one would've been suspicious of her being under a spel.
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