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Old 10/13/17, 03:41 PM   #3
Ranger In Training
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Join Date: 08/13/17
Location: Maple Heights, Ohio
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Default Re: Power Rangers Pirate Squadron

Chapter 7: Wild Heroes

The Pirates spoke to each other, debating on their next move. Joe sighed. "Why are we even bothering? We know what we are going to do. Captain Crimzen will tel Bones to activate the Oracle system, Bones will do it, then we will go off on a wild goose chase that will end with us meeting a past ranger and unlocking a True Power after learning some kind of lesson. It has happened three times now."

Crimzen sat back in the Captain's chair. "Good point, First Mate! Why mess with a working strategy? Bones!"

Bones activated the ORACLE system.

"A Island in the Sky, A Lion's roar resounds."

Sanna face palmed. "Would it kill this thing to say 'go here, do this'? Where are we going to find an island in the-?" Her complaints were cut off by the Galaxy Galleon running the sky.

"Found it!" Allie, Crimzen and Bones called out cheerfully.

Sailors of the Sea of Stars, Heroes from beyond Mars,
Time to unite! Time to fight! Time for heroes to take flight!
Rangers return! With power to burn!
Time for evil to learn!
Pirates never fall! Rangers save us all!


Power Rangers never lose! This power that we choose!

Corsairs of the sky! Rangers do or die!


Zang Ship
We finally found the Animarium!" Lykia reported.

"Excellent." Prince Payne glared at the screen.

On Earth, At the same time

The Rangers wandered around the Animarium, taking in the sights.

"This is just lovely!" Allie was enchanted by it all.

"Meh." Crimzen shrugged.

Suddenly, Cy-Born appeared!

"How do they keep finding us?" Sanna asked.

"You Pirates will not evade us!" A Cy-Born Elite stepped out. He looked like a Bipedal green dog with pink fur on his shoulders like a boa, and pink fur on his legs like leggings. His left hand was green, but his right hand was a massive metal claw. His legs up to the knees were metal greaves. The Pirates took one look at him, and burst out laughing. Except Joe.

"No One mocks Fluvvie!" The Alien monster roared, and even Joe snickered at the name "Fluvvie."

"Oh, you're joking right?" Crimzen doubled over. "Oh, this is a mercy killing if there ever was one." The Rangers pulled out their pirate keys.

"Set Sail!" The Rangers yelled, turning the Pirate keys.

The rangers suddenly stood on the deck of the Galaxy Galleon. They burst forward, before grabbing a rope and launching themselves high into the air on it. They let go at the Apex of his swing and their ranger suits materialized on their bodies. When they landed in a three point stance, the helmets appeared. The emblem on the helmet and chest glowed.

"Pirate Red." Crimzen stated, popping the collar of his suit.

"Pirate Blue." Joe pushed the front of his helmet in a manner reminiscent of the way he fixes his hair.

"Pirate Yellow!" Sanna yelled, then threw a peace sign salute at the monsters

"Pirate Green!" Bones excitedly ran his hands down his pants legs, as if to stop his legs from shaking.

"Pirate Pink!" Allie placed her hand over her heart and gave a slight bow.

"Power Rangers! Pirate Squadron!" They yelled as one, and the Cy-Born could almost see the pirate flag waving behind them.

"Let's go crazy!" Crimzen yelled, spinning the blaster. The rangers fired, blowing away several Cy-Born before charging at their opponents.

Joe slashed the first Cy-born, his blaster hand behind his back. He ducked under the blow of another, before slashing it down as it recovered. Joe spun to the side, slashing upwards to hit a Cy-born. He paused, blade at its throat, before smacking it with the hilt and sending it flying. A Cy-born ran behind him, but Joe sliced it as it passed, and the Cy-born fell.

Sanna slashed up, slicing the Cy-born's chest, then spun and slashed to the left, felling another. Completing her circuit, she kicked to the side, knocking away another of the grey cyborgs before slicing across with her sword. The Cy-born in front of her fell, and she stomped down hard.

Allie rolled, firing as she came up to shoot two Cy-born. Sensing something behind her, she swung her sword, cutting the two down. A third flung itself at her, but she slashed it as well before shooting the Cy-born to her left, then turning her upper body to shoot the one to her right.

Don leaped off a Cy-born's head, grabbing a stick as he did. Bones blocked a mace blow with the stick, pushing the Cy-born back. Bones dropped the stick and dodged another blow. Then he grabbed a branch and thrust it toward a Cy-Born Arms. It stumbled, and the green pirate used the distraction to grab his sword from under a fallen log. "Got you!" He cried, before swing the sword twice. The first blow blocked a mace blow, the second one felled the Cy-born. Bones dropped his sword and crawled between two trees, where his blaster hung from a vine. Reaching it, he fired forward. Two Cy-born fell to the blasts.

Crimzen was a blur of motion, striking and firing. A quick slash here, a squeeze of the trigger there. Not even the Cy-born could keep up with his movements. They crumpled in a pile around him.

"Super Sprint." Fluvvie growled, running toward the rangers. In a streak of green and purple, he accelerated. The rangers were thrown down, slashed by Fluvvie's claws.

"So fast!" Crimzen snarled as he rose. The rangers also stood.

"Shock Claw!" Fluvvie slashed with his claw hand, and a shockwave of energy hit the rangers.

The rangers demorphed, Allie landing hard on her ankle. Fluvvie and his Cy-Born approached them. But as they gathered to slay the unconscious rangers, a Lion's roar rang out! A large red Lion Zord appeared, and simply swatted the Cy-born away. Scooping up the rangers in it's mouth, the Lion jumped away.

The rangers awoke in a small home. Several animals, mostly cats and dogs, licked at them. When the pirates awoke, a man sat outside their room, stitching up a cat's eye.

"Here you go, socks. Now, don't play in traffic again." He petted the cat's head before letting it scamper off. "Hey, you guys are awake!" He spun on his chair. "Welcome back."

"Where are we?" Crimzen asked.

"My home." The man replied. "My friend brought you here." The red lion snarled.

"Thank you." Crimzen muttered. "You saved me and my crew.

"No problem." The man stood up. "You must be the pirates I've been hearing about." He walked over to them. "None of you are exactly human, are you?"

The pirates looked at him, before a roar interrupted them. The rangers started to leave, but Allie winced and hissed when she put her weight on her foot.

Crimzen flashed back to the explosion, and her awkward landing. "Princess, stay here until you feel better." His voice sounded authoritative, but with an underlying worry. "Bones, you and..."

"Cole." The older man offered his name.

"Cole stay with her. Be back with a True power soon." He walked away. Sanna and Joe looked back at the green and blue ranger, then walked after Crimzen.

Zang Fleet

"A red Lion?" Lykia wondered aloud.
"A Zord." Midos confirmed. "Possibly another True Power. The Pirates must not get their hands on it. Destroy it and the island if necessary."

"Destroy what?" Prince Payne and Muramassaca had reappeared.

"Nothing, my Lord." Midos slipped away.

"Good. Tell Fluvvie to attack Earth again. Forget the rangers and conquer the city of Turtle Cove"

Cole looked over Allie's ankle. "You seem to be healing fast." he noted

"Part of being a Felinian." She rubbed the bruise. "I heal fast."

"Once your friend comes back, we can bandage it." Cole sighed. "I can't believe the other three would just abandon you like that."

Allie's eyes narrowed, glowing bright green. "Not that you would know anything about Crimzen, Cole, but he did not abandon me. He didn't when my planet was destroyed, and he won't now!" She stood up, ignoring the pain in her leg. "The Captain may act flighty and carefree, but I know him. In his heart, he holds certain ideals sacred. He protects his crew, even from themselves at times. He told me to stay behind because he didn't want me to injure myself further."

Cole smirked to himself. "So, he's a good red ranger?"

"The best." Allie hissed. "He took a spoiled, scared Felinian princess and helped her survive and be strong."

"So he cares?" Cole leaned back.

"Of course he does."

"Good. Then maybe he's worthy of Red Lion's power."

Allie's rage and passion was replaced by shock. "You know about the Red Lion?"

"Yeah. He was my old partner." An afterimage of the Wild Force Red appeared over him.

Meanwhile, the three pirates had discovered Fluvvie and his Cy-born attacking people. Crimzen's red eyes flashed. "Joe, Sanna, the treasure will have too wait."

"Of course, Captain." Joe replied.

"With you." Sanna cracked her knuckles. "Let's teach them a lesson!"

The three rangers morphed and sprang into action, causing the Cy-born to drop the civilians and attack them.

"Not bothering with the Animarium?" Sanna asked, head-butting a Cy-born and kicking one into Fluvvie.

"My mission was changed!" The green dog cyborg roared, charging forward.

Joe sighed, pushing his helmet as if he was fixing his hair. "The life of a soldier is not an easy one, is it?" A Cy-born attacked him, and he rolled away.

Just as Bones put the last wrap on Allie's leg, their morphers went off, alerting them to their friends fight.

"You think you can do it?" Bones asked.

Allie stood, testing the weight on her ankle. It still hurt, but not too much. She curtsied to Cole. "Thank you for your help." She and Bones ran out the door, morphing as they left.

A contingent of Cy-born blocked their way.

"They showed up fast!" Bones declared.

Allie crossed her Cutlass and Blaster across her chest. "Doesn't matter. They'll disappear just as fast!" She charged. Allie slashed with her sword, turned on her heel and fired. She blocked a mace blow and fired her Blaster directly into the Cy-born's chest.

Bones hit a Capoeira kick, comboing it into a slash to take out two Cy-born. He jumped over an attack, landing nimbly to slash at the cyborg alien. Following up, he grabbed one into a tomoe nage.

The two fought like demons, while Cole watched. Looking to his left, Cole saw the other rangers fight.

Crimzen slashed and dodged, shot and spun. Coming across a trapped man, he kicked the Cy-born out of the way and slashed the one holding the civilian. "Get out of here! Now!" Crimzen yelled. When the man did not move, paralyzed by fear, Crimzen shot into the air. The man ran. The Red Rogue hefted his sword. "Joe! All you!" He tossed the sword to Joe, who caught it with ease. The Dual Blade became a tornado of slashes, easily dispatching a group of Cy-Born attacking some women his age. As they thanked him, a red anchor and chord wrapped around one of the Cutlasses. Sanna yanked, stealing the sword from Joe. "Let's whip you into shape!" She joked, spinning the swords to become a whirlwind of blades. She flung both swords toward Fluvvie, who dodged.

"Missed!" He declared, only to notice Sanna was still manipulating the ropes, turning, he saw his Cy-born fall, and the group of people they were attacking rush to safety.

Cole crossed his arms, impressed. "Maybe they do have good hearts." he decided.

Allie and Bones defeated their Cy-born and ran to their friends. Fluvvie had his Cy-born Arms fire at them, but the rangers blocked with their Cutlasses then fired back with their blasters, knocking the CBA down.

"Welcome back, Princess." Crimzen joked.

"Good to be back. Sorry if I worried you."

"Well, all five of us are here." Bones said excitedly.

"Alright. Let's fix this puppy." Crimzen pulled out his Wild Force key. His team did the same.

"WILD ACCESS!" They transformed into the Wild Force Rangers, Bones turning into the Black ranger and Allie turning into the White Ranger.

The CBA and Fluvvie charged, and the rangers responded.

Sanna flew high in the air, taking her opponent with her. As the blue alien cyborg struggled, Sanna alighted on the building and simply dropped it off.

Joe easily blocked the monster's clumsy strikes, slashing with his claws. As it stumbled back, Joe leaped into the air. Summoning the Blue Shark Fighting Fins, he slashed the Cy-Born Arms repeatedly.

Bones and Allie co-operated, making up for each other's weaknesses and keeping the Cy-Born Arms off balance. They kicked, punched, and struck, knocking it to the ground.

Crimzen fought Fluvvie solo, his claws raking against metal to create sparks where he hit. Fluvvie attempted to use his speed again, but this time, Crimzen was prepared. The red rogue leaped, slashing Fluvvie with his claws, knocking the Zang minion out of the air.

Fluvvie and the Cy-born Arms landed together. The rangers gathered.

"Alright, you overgrown poodle-" Crimzen started, as he and the others combined the Wild Force weapons into the Jungle Sword. Fluvvie hid behind the CBA, using them to block the energy slash from the sword.

Cole smiled. The newbies were good. He could only hope Red Lion was watching as well.

"-stay." Crimzen commanded as he and the others transformed into their pirate forms. The Pirates inserted the Pirate keys into the Flintlock Blasters. The rangers leveled the barrels at Fluvvie.

"FINAL BLAST!" The five roared, then fired. Five energy shots struck Fluvvie.

'"Now, play dead." Crimzen quipped as Fluvvie short circuited.

But, sure enough, Lykia activated the Magna cannons, reviving both Fluvvie and the CBA.

"Aw, and I wasted a good one liner too." Crimzen bemoaned his luck as he summoned the Galaxy Galleon. The rangers instantly turned into the Pirate Megazord.

The Megazord slashed The CBA easily, fending off all three at once with its Cutlasses. As they focused on the blue aliens cyborgs, they forgot about Fluvvie.

"Let's wrap this up quick." Crimzen declared. The rangers went to activate the Star Burst. But Fluvvie had a surprise.

"Nice try, rangers!" He thrust his claw forward, creating a cinch that blocked the activation of the finisher.

"You..." Crimzen tried to turn the key, but with the outer wheel blocked, the keys could not turn. "Well played, mutt." Crimzen admitted.

"Really, Captain?" Sanna sighed. "Don't compliment the enemy!"

"Well, now what?" Crimzen asked no one in particular. But he was answered anyway. The lion roared, and the Wild Force keys began to glow.

"Another True Power?" Bones asked, voice nearly cracking in excitement.

"Red Lion accepted us?" Allie wondered.

"Looks like it!" Sanna leaned forward.

"Then let's use him!" Crimzen decided.

The Rangers inserted the keys and turned hard. The force of the True Power activation knocked the cinch off the outer wheel and knocked the Cy-born arms back. Red Lion descended from the Animarium, Landing with a roar, it raked Fluvvie with its claws. Then it landed in front of the rangers.

The lion roared, and Allie understood. "He says to combine his power with ours!"

"You got it!" Crimzen declared The Pirate Megazord took off with the Lion, combining its upper half with the lion.

"Wild Pirate Megazord!" the rangers declared.

"Destroy them." Fluvvie commanded, and the Cy-born Arms lower bodies formed into motorcycle-like devices.

"Too easy!" Sanna yelled as the Megazord cut down the first one. As the other two circled around for another attack, the pirates spun the megazord around and chased them down, slashing the second. The final CBA tried to ride away, but the pirates easily outpaced it and destroyed it as well. Now, only Fluvvie remained.

He charged forward. "Mega ROAR SLASH!" The pirates yelled. A jet of fire streamed from the Lion's moth at the same time the main body fired two sword beams. The three attacks hit Fluvvie, destroying him instantly.

The Rangers cheered as the Lion celebrated. Cole walked away. He had seen enough

"That's 4!" Bones cheered! "Four true powers down!"

"And 15 more to go." Joe responded.

"Well, Captain?" Allie asked.

"All right. I'll say it. We did a lot of good today." Crimzen smiled to himself. This "hero" thing could get addictive.

Today's theme song: Wild Force!

Wild Force!
Wild Force Access!

Wild Force Power Rangers!
We'll protect what's right forever.
Wild Force Power Rangers!
We'll protect this world together.
Wild Force... Wild Force, Wild Force!

Power Rangers flying higher, Go!
Wild Force running faster, Wild Force!
Power Rangers stick together, Go!
We will save the world!

Wild Force Access!

Wild Force Power Rangers!
We'll protect what's right forever.
Wild Force Power Rangers!
We'll protect this world together.

(short guitar solo)

Wild Force Power Rangers!
We'll protect this world together!
Wild... Force... Wild Force!
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