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Old 05/09/06, 08:31 PM   #7
Putty Patroller
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Default Re: Cross over episodes

Originally Posted by Tazz Davis View Post
history was good but my question is why didnt kira and ethan have any knowledge of SPD...they saw spd through the morphing grid...they should have at least known it existed.
From what I've understood, that secret episode is generally not considered canon. It was just more of a preview for us. Although, it has made me wonder during some episodes of DT if that slot really is there...

DT/NS teamup was the best, period. For the first time, a teamup had one team of Rangers fighting the other team of Rangers. Their powers seemed to complement each other (Ninja civilian powers and Dino civilian powers). Plus, the first three Rangers for each team were two guys and a girl, and had the colors Blue, Yellow, and Red. And, the DT/NS teamup morph was the best teamup morph ever. And, the Battlelizers worked well with each other, as they both fired a laser.

That said, I did like History for having Super Dino Mode and SWAT Mode used together.
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