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Old 02/26/17, 12:32 PM   #17
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Default Re: Concern over the movie hype

Its good to see so many tv ads..But I don't think the latest tv spots are going to interest enough of the general movie audience. If I was a non fan I would be confused if this was supposed to be a kids movie. I could also see where some people would think this is a comedy.

The first trailer did a better job of getting people interested in the premise before revealing it was a trailer for a Power Rangers Movie. The next trailer gave us more character moment. But they were too much in the fun and whimsical side of things. The tv spots that have followed have been like the second trailer. I think there needed to be a more balanced approach. Show the audience that this is not a kids movie but still has its fun parts.

The TV spots are too fast past and make the movie look bad. I know you don't want to give away the plot of the movie in the previews, I just think they needed to show more than they did.
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