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Old 01/29/17, 06:03 PM   #9
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Default Re: Are we constantly going to have aritfacts like Energems and Power Stars?

Originally Posted by Smarty Pants Rose View Post
It just seems a little much the last few years. Does this mean we are going to have yearly teams that bond with powerful artifacts and follow the same story with a new team? So far Ninja Steel is just like Dino Charge with Ninjas.
generally there's usually something huge every season regardless of whether a team needs to bond with it or not.

MMPR1 = Power Coins.
MMPR3 = Nothing although they had introduced and found the Zeo Crystal.
Zeo = Used the Crystal to create new powers.
Turbo = nothing really unless you want to count their keys since they were an important plot point in the movie and they need them to activate at the most their Turbozords.

Space = They didn't need to find any items but they spent the whole season trying to find Zordon.
Galaxy = Quasar Sabers and the Lights of Orion.
Lightspeed = nothing.
Time Force = Chrono Morphers.
Wild Force = nothing really unless you want to count them finding Cole and recruiting him to the team since technically that was a "bonding thing."
Ninja Storm = nothing.
Dino Thunder = Dino Gems
SPD = nothing really since this wasn't a bonding thing.
Mystic Force = nothing since this wasn't a bonding thing although Udonna was technically in search of her missing baby son so technically that would have been the important issue.
Overdrive = nothing
Jungle Fury = nothing
RPM = bonding to their suits.
Samurai = nothing.
Megaforce = nothing
Energems = bonding to their Energems
Ninja Steel = bonding to their Ninja Power Stars but we don't know if it's a strict bond like the Dino Gems and Energems were.
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