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Old 01/22/17, 05:26 PM   #8
Goldar's Revenge
Power Ranger
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Default Re: Why is Neo Saban so different?

Disney didn't understand Power Rangers and bought it by accident yet they should still get credit for keeping it going for as long as they did. They ultimately agreed to Sloan and Austensl's proposal to keep the show alive with production in New Zealand.

Despite never fully understanding or getting behind, it they did give it several years. Not to mention that they still spent considerable money on it. They even tried to do an animated series when live action was on the chopping block. Toei just wouldn't let them

The franchise is better off with Saban Brands but Disney weren't all bad. Neo Saban did have the problem with going back to Tzachor's philosophy for the first few years. But they got past it with Lynn now back in charge.
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