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Old 01/02/17, 11:40 PM   #1
Chaos Ranger
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Default What was the whole point of the Tommy Brother Plot?

They made such a big deal about the brother storyline by forshadowing it in season 3 with the arrowhead. We even get a nice little group of episodes in Zeo centered around Tommy that deal with the revelation. We learn of David Truehart and his identity as Tommy's brother. And that both protect a piece of an arrowhead that is the key to an army of monsters locked away.

Yet the brother revelation episodes becomes just another two parter that has little effect on the show itself. David barely appears again. He is a throwaway character in an episode invovling surfing. And really just a red herring for the Gold Ranger. It just seemed odd that they made the arrowhead and Tommys quest seem like it would pay off to something big. And it all really goes nowhere. Tommy having a brother doesn't even become a big part of the show. And the arrowhead is never mentioned again.
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