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Old 11/19/16, 01:33 PM   #3
Putty Patroller
Join Date: 07/28/11
Posts: 12
Default Re: End of Extinction Episode Discussion

The whole "go back in time to stop Sledge" thing, in theory, was a decent plot scenario. However, having the heroes destroy the planet, pull a deus ex machina with the magical time-portal-inducing Energems, and return the Earth to the age of the dinosaurs - while it's still 2016 and all of the evolutionary things that normally happened did, mind you - was a very poor execution. Yes, we got the makings of a decent battle with Sledge, but everything seemed to be a case of "How many pages do we have left? And, how many things do we need to do? SIMPLE FIX, SIMPLE FIX, SIMPLE FIX, GO!"

This is like taking "The End of Time" and cramming it all into a 20-minute timeframe: Base destruction (again), huge major Earth-shattering plot point, major end-all battle with the lead villain, peaceful resolution... And, what's the payoff here? The Rangers now have to clean up after a triceratops with indigestion.

Unless I'm already having "nostalgia goggles," it really does seem like SuperC was the poorer of the two halves of the series. I'll have to revisit Dino Charge proper to make sure, but it really did seem like it was the better half. So, what went wrong this time? Writing bullpen shakeup? Network exec interference? Will we ever really know?

Coming out of this, I really want to have high hopes for Ninja Steel. DC did start off really nicely (again, unless I'm remembering things incorrectly), and so did SuperC, but, after a few episodes of SuperC, things really took a nosedive. If things stay the same, should we have high hopes for the future of the series?
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