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Old 06/07/10, 09:47 PM   #2
Kamen Rider Dragoon
Ranger In Training
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Join Date: 03/23/10
Location: i live were the wind takes me.
Posts: 88

Kio removed the Joker memory from the driver and transformed the tengu bird into its memory form and pressed the button.


He then placed it into the driver and was surrounded by a golder wind wich hid his body. Then, Kio swung his left arm causing the wind to disperse, knocking the dopants back a little. Before them, Kio stood in his FangTengu form (see picture in ooc section for a close idea...will make a better picture later). Kio then walked slowly past Neru. Not looking to the Skull kamen rider he spoke. "He is have alot to learn about why we don these devices."

The bird dopant immediently tried to attack Kio, but he simply jumped back, arms spread wide. This, along with the abilities he had gained, gave him the appearance of flight. "Hmmm...this feels interesting."
[CENTER][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]When all else fails....
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