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Old 06/05/10, 01:48 PM   #8
Putty Patroller
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Join Date: 06/04/10
Posts: 10

From a distance, Neru watched the two riders fight the dopants. They seemed somewhat amateur-like, but they fought well as a duo. Noticing that the more dopants left, Neru clenched his fist in rage. Reaching into his pocket, he reached for Satillite Vulture, a gadget that can detect dopants. Sure it wouldn't help Neru fight, but it can distract the Dopants long enough. "Go ahead Vulture, go ahead." Neru said as he let the Vulture flew from his palm, going above the dopants. He quickly then hid behind a building bringing out a Gaia Memory. "It's time for their Enlightenment." Neru said as he pressed the Skull Memory.


A lost driver attached itself to Neru's waist as he placed it into the slot. He then quickly pushed it, activating the transformation. Neru then placed himself into a standing stance. Armor began to form around his body as he closed his eyes, once it was all finished, Neru placed his hand into the air. A fedora appeared, and he placed it upon his head. Neru then walked from the building appearing before the riders and dopants. "It's time for me to erase you." Neru said as he started to walk towards the dopants.
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