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Old 05/31/10, 12:16 AM   #11
Ranger In Training
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Join Date: 02/05/10
Posts: 88

Drake tossed the heat memory up and down as he walked to his bike he noticed a bike speeding off torwards the detective agency though he ignored

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aurora sat in is throne a bored look on his face "we haven't made a move against the shrouds army in awhile and I'm bored" he turned and faced his assistant "hey,send out beast,bird and triceratops NOW !!!! "eep- yes sir" the attended ran going to get their Gaia memory soilders and figure appered from the shadows

"did you really have to yell aurora san" the man wore a black trench coat and had short spiked white hair a small rectangular sheath that held his Gaia memory

"Hmph whatever kakashi anyway I want you out their to,use that little toy you stole from the neo museum"

kakashi chuckled" whatever you say aurora san pulling out his Gaia memory and tossing it the air and catching it as he walked away

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