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Old 03/18/16, 10:25 PM   #3
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

Then the jar flew off into space as Rita's palace teleported back to the moon. Then everyone in Angel Grove returned from Rita's dimension. Bulk, and Skull started hugging, and kissing the ground as they cried out "We're back, We're back, We're really back".

Then Mayor Ackleberry went up to Bulk, and Skull, and yelled "All right you little punks get off the stage". While in the audience Mr. Caplan cheered "We're back the Power Rangers saved us". Ernie agreed "And Rita, and her monsters won't be bothering us again".

The Rangers teleported to the Command Center as everyone cheered for them. Alpha cheered "You did it you finally did it". Nemo agreed "Now Rita, and her minions are gone, and the universe can finally live in peace".

The Rangers took off their helmets but they looked sad. Jason said "I know but you should have seen Rita when we destroyed Thrax, and Zedd". Zack agreed "Yeah as evil as Thrax was he was still a kid, and as evil as they were Rita, and Zedd did love him".
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