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Old 03/18/16, 10:07 PM   #5
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

Billy said "We'll have to match him move for move". Jason agreed "Got it". Cyclopsis punched, and kicked the Megazord but the Megazord punched, and kicked back. Then Cyclopsis made missile launchers as Thrax quipped "You'll get a blast out of this", and fired a barrage of missiles at the Megazord.

Then Thrax said "Now try this". Cyclopsis fired it's arms out, and they grabbed the Megazord, and threw it around. Then Cyclopsis surged electricity through it's chains electrocuting the Megazord. Jason said we can't give up we need Dragonzord power".

Jason summoned the Dragonzord, and it fired it's own missles at Cyclopsis. But Thrax used his telekinesis, and Cyclopsis channeled it, and threw the Megazord, and Dragonzord around. Jason called out "Switching to Dragon Battlezord". The Dragonzord combined with the other Zords except Tyranosaurus, and Pterodactyl to become the Dragonzord.

Jason said "Okay Kimberly I'll take the Tyrannosaurus you stay here with the others". Kimberly agreed "Got it", and Jason teleported to the Tyrannosaurus. The Tyrannosaurus fired sonic waves but Thrax used telekinesis to send it back.

Then the Dragon Battlezord tried to fire it's horn like a bommerang but Thrax used telekinesis to send it back. Then Cyclopsis fired lasers out cannons in it's shoulders, and then a laser out it's horn. But then Titanus appeared, and fired lasers on Cyclopsis.

Jason called out "All right Titanus". Jason then cried out "Quick you guys we need Ultrazord power". All the Zords combined into the Ultrazord, and Jason cried out "Lock on, and fire all weapons", The Ultrazord fired on Cyclopsis, and all that remained was it's head.
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