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Old 03/18/16, 10:04 PM   #11
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

Meanwhile in Angel Grove forest Jason called out "Blade Blasters", and the Rangers charged at Thrax. Thrax raised out his hands, and the Rangers froze in place. Kimberly asked "What's going on?". Billy explained "He's using telekinesis". Zack asked "In English?". Trini explained "He's holding us with his mind". Then Thrax threw the Rangers, and made them slash each other.

Then Thrax fired lasers from his eyes, and threw the Rangers around some more with his telekinesis, Eventually the Rangers unmorphed as Thrax bragged "Mom was right you Rangers are pathetic. But now you won't be a pain in her side anymore".

Thrax teleported off, and Zack asked "Man who was that Kid?". Jason replied "I don't know but he sure was tough". Then they got up, and Jason's communicator started beeping again. Jason answered "Zordon what is with that kid it was like he was stronger than all of us".

Zordon explained "Teleport to the Command Center at once, and I will explain everything". The Rangers went to the Command Center, and Jason asked "So who is that kid?". Zack agreed "And why was he able to thrash us.
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