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Old 03/18/16, 09:58 PM   #10
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

In Angel Grove Tommy summoned the Dragonzord, and then jumped into it's cockpit, and started slashing, and tail whipping the Cyclops. The Cyclops transformed back into his real form. But the Cyclops was undaunted, and said "Okay but try this on for size", and transformed into the Megazord.

Billy, and Zack then teleported back to the park. Kimberly asked "So what did Millennia say? Can she help?". Zack said "No dice but Tommy can still give the powers to somebody else". Zack then asked "What about Jason?". Kimberly answered "He's still not back yet".

Then their communicators started beeping, and Zack answered "What is it Zordon?". Zordon explained "Rangers abort the mission. Tommy is fighting Rita's Cyclops in downtown Angel Grove, and only the Ultrazord can destroy it".

Zack said "All right but first we have to get Jason". Kimberly asked "But what about the candle?". Zack said "We'll get it later", and jumped into the portal. Jason was still fighting Goldar when Zack appeared, and said "Jason, Jason we've got to go".

Jason said "But if I leave Tommy will lose his powers". Zack replied if we don't leave he could lose his life". Then Jason, and Zack left. At the park Kimberly asked "Did you get the candle?". Jason replied "Not yet".
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