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Old 03/11/16, 11:55 PM   #283
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

Meanwhile the imp was walking towards the beach saying "Oh boy oh boy Dinosaur eggs" Then all of a sudden Rita teleported in, and said "Not so fast". The imp cried out "Oh no it's Rita Repulsa". Rita said "That's right who do you think you are anyway?".

The imp replied "Well my name's Fang, and you see I'm an imp, and imps eat Dinosaur eggs". Rita then pointed her scepter to the eggs Squatt had eaten, and made them whole. Rita then said "I'll tell you what if you give me the eggs in the chest then not only will I restore the eggs my minions broke but I'll give you all the ones you can eat".

Fang replied "And what if I don't?". Then Rita fired an energy beam at Fang, and he cried out "Ow it hurts it hurts I'll do it I'll do it". Rita replied "That's a good imp. Now get me the eggs, and if anyone get's in your way get rid of them". Fang said "Okay okay but just this once, and just for the eggs".
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