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Old 03/11/16, 11:53 PM   #279
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

The Rangers cheered but then Jason asked "But what's the bad news?". Zordon showed them an image of the imp. Zordon explained "This is an imp they used to be fairly common on your planet 10,000,000 years ago".

Zordon continued "They are normally fairly peaceful but their primary diet is Dinosaur eggs. If the imp finds the Dinosaur eggs he will surely eat them. Not to mention Rita may have already discovered the Dinosaur eggs, and the imp, and will try to destroy them".

Kimberly asked "What should we do?". Zordon explained "Try to find the Dinosaur eggs before the imp does, and if you find the imp do not hurt him unless absolutely necessary he may be the last of his own species". Jason said "All right we're on it", and the Rangers teleported off.
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