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Old 03/11/16, 11:35 PM   #9
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

Madam Woe cried out in pain "No this can't be you can't destroy my powers". Then both jewels disappeared, and Madam Woe's altar fell over, and the Rangers, Margaret, and the children were freed from Madam Woe's dimension.

Jason cried out "All right Billy you did it". Billy replied "Thanks now there's just one thing to do". The other Rangers agreed "Right". Then all the Rangers called out "Brachio Busters", and pulled out their Brachio Busters, and connected them to the Blade Blasters.

Billy called out "Okay guys lock, load". The Rangers pulled back on the Brachio Busters, and aimed them at Madam Woe. Madam Woe cried "No this cannot be". Then all the Rangers yelled "Fire", and fired lasers at Madam Woe, and she exploded.

Then two lights one blue, and the other red appeared, and they took the form of two girls. Solaria then said "Thank you Blue Ranger". Billy humbly said "It was nothing". Luna said "Now me and my sister can live in peace".

Then the Rangers, and Margaret waved good bye as Solaria, and Luna teleported off. Then Kimberly picked up the jewels, and said "Hey guys look". Trini said "I guess now that Solaria, and Luna are free their gems are just ordinary gems now.
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