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Old 02/09/16, 08:51 PM   #2
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Default Re: Power Rangers Reloaded

Then Alpha once again contacted Kimberly, and said “Kimberly I will try, and instruct you on how to fly the plane”. He then explained “Hold it as steady as you can, and pull the controls towards you”. Kimberly followed Alpha’s instructions, and the plane started leveling “I did it” she exclaimed “It leveled off”

At the Command Center Zordon showed the other Rangers what was happening with Kimberly. He assured them “Do not panic Rangers. Kimberly is a very bright, and capable girl”. He added “And she has already stopped the plane from losing altitude”

He also warned “However her fuel supply is dangerously low, but Alpha is doing everything he can to help her land the plane”. Then he showed them images of kids in the hospital, and in the park with trees growing out of their heads.

Zordon then explained “This is why I have summoned you here. Rita has sent her latest monster The Snizzard to attack children in Angel Grove park”. Then he showed them an image of Snizzard about to attack more children.

Trini was shocked, and faintly uttered “Oh my goodness”. Zack angrily added “Man this is low even for Rita”. Jason then said “All right guys let’s do this. It’s morphing time”. Then they shouted “Mastodon” “Triceratops” “Saber Tooth Tiger” “Tyrannosaurus”.
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