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Old 01/13/16, 10:39 AM   #2
Putty Patroller
Join Date: 01/10/16
Posts: 29
Default Re: I mean In Dino Thunder they discovered MErcer / Mesogog but NOT IN VR TROOPERS of Ziktor Grimlor

Originally Posted by MattEmily View Post
it was definitely disappointing that the VR Troopers never found out that Ziktor was in fact Grimlord and what ended the show was the same thing that ended Beetleborgs there was no more footage that they could use pretty much most of VR Troopers was Japanese footage there was very little original footage. Beetleborgs had more original footage but they still had the same issue either way.

why didnt they let the troopers find out anyway? SAban is an idiot for not doing that and disappointing fans. How would the troopers reacted if they found out? Why did they have Grimlords DArk SEcret when they never even found out (was that also to show the bad guys can win). What killed it Footage, Going with BEetleborgs, Kenner discontinuing the Toy line (why did they? and how half the toys were RARE), or Low Ratings (did networks drop the show before it was taken off the air in sEpt 1996)

how would Tao, PErcy, MAyor Rooney and Woody have too reacted if they found out Ziktor was Grimlord, and the Tropers too. is offline   Reply With Quote