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Old 04/18/10, 12:01 AM   #4
Kamen Rider Dragoon
Ranger In Training
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Join Date: 03/23/10
Location: i live were the wind takes me.
Posts: 88

Kio blinked as the two new riders jumped in and sighed as Accel told him to back off. "Sorry pal but that's not going to happen. I got here first so its my call...besides i gave them the opportunity to surrender."

He taped the horn on fang once and it called out Arm Fang. Instantly a blade appeared on Kio's right arm and he started slicing the magma dophant.

"Gah...i dont care who you are or how wont beat us." It smashed the ground causing a streak of magma to launch at accell and kio. Kio jumped out of the way.

Meanwhile the t-rex roared and sent out a shockwave at the other rider.
[CENTER][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]When all else fails....
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