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Old 06/25/15, 10:43 PM   #2
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

The other Troopers appear, and they figure out Grimlord's after the athletes but don't know how he's doing it.

They check on Tim who is awarded the medal but it turns out to be Grimlord's, and we see his eyes glow red, and his skin glows gold, and the medal absorbs Tim, and flies away.

At the Dark Fortress Tim appears now in the form of a red, and blue bodybuilder like mutant with a trophy for a head named Athletetron.

While back at the field the Professor explains what's going on, and has JB, and Kaitlin keep other athletes from becoming mutants while Ryan transforms.

Ryan jumps onto a balcony, and Athletetron throws him, and throws a giant ball at him while back at the field Kaitlin tries to disrupt the events while JB tries to deprogram Grimlord's medals.

Atheletron punches Ryan, and teleports away, and Ryan tries to hit him with his laser but keeps missing, and then they both end up on some weird video game like platforms.

Back at the stadium the Professor explains that the only way to deprogram the medals is to expose them to direct sunlight so JB transforms, and summons the Skybase.

In the Indigo Sector Athletetron throws his ball at Ryan some more but Ryan kicks it back at him so Athletetron turns invisible but Ryan finds him with his scanner, and uses his laser.

At the Dark Fortress Grimlord sees what's happening so he orders an aerial assault on the Skybase while at the games Kaitlin keeps stalling the events.

In the Indigo Sector Ryan shoots Athletetron who's now giant with a laser, and he shrinks down, and Ryan summons the Laser Saber, and Athletetron summons his own sword but Ryan destroys him.

Ryan, and Tim then reappear at the games, and Kaitlin stalls the award ceremony, and JB appears with the medals returned to normal.

At the Dark Fortress Grimlord once again shame his minions

Back at the games the winners are awarded the real medals, and Kaitlin shares a moment with Tim before she, and the other Troopers have to leave for Crossworld City.

Ryan then sums up the moral of the day the end.
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