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Old 03/24/15, 05:25 PM   #5
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Default Re: Power Rangers Legacy Discussion

Finally read the final two episodes. A great finalie that really felt epic. It really played off everything that had been building the whole pisode. Nice touch using Samurai mode since the Rangers never went Samurai in that team up. I was pleasantly surprised to see the Megaforce team. I assume they traveld from a parrallel universe like RPM. Props for including Dino Charge as well.

The finalie had plenty of action. But at the heart it was all about the characters. This really made for an emotional finalie. Especially with the return of Eve and the other Eltarians. The scene with the parents and families were good. Reminded me of the ending episoes of Digimon Adventure 1 and 2.

And one can not underestimate the appearance of all the other teams. It made for an exciting conclusion and made perfect sense with this being about the Legacy of PR. I loved the attention to detail like Jen and Wee standing next to each other at the end.

I am a little torn at Eve's return since it may have been better to keep the tragedy of her death. But it did seem like she really came back as some sort of spirit. Since it seemed odd for her to disapear and not stay with Jake. Also what did they do with Jake's morpher. It was cool to see Zeke's Dad help. But I question how he could have so easily hacked the legacy cpu.

Any plans for a sequel? Would be fun even if the Rangers lost their secret idenities.
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