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Old 03/02/15, 10:36 AM   #10
Becky G
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Default Re: Power Rangers Megaforce/Super Megaforce

Power Rangers Super Megaforce Chapter 49

Nope they don't.

*Emma pulls out her blaster and sword and slashes them*

*Looks over at Emma*

Hey Em lets combine forces.

*Tosses my blaster to Emma*

Keeps fighting them destroying them.

Sounds like a plan.

*Catches it as I throw him my sword*

*Catches the saber*

now were talking...

*Uses the sabers double slashing destroying them*

You know Vekar will always send more i wonder what hes planning cause i know he didn't send him here to keep us busy if he is planning something it must be big.

Yeah...we just better keep our guard up i have a feeling he isn't done just yet.

Wow i think i have been hanging around you to long i know i have that feeling to.

*Appears behind Noah*

So right you are blue ranger.

*Turns around quickly to attack*

*Blocks and hits the blue ranger hard making him get knocked into a wall*


*Goes down hard demorphing*

Ha ha down and 3 to go.

*Laughs as I teleport back to the Armada*

You ok Runs helping you up.

Noah how long til Gia's morpher is back up and running.

*Emma keeps fighting and blasting*

Ouch that hurts....

*Gets up holding my arm that monster really packs a punch.

*Looks around* where he go?

He's gone he will be back i bet hes planning something not sure what but i'm going to find out i won't get hurt besides what can happen to me i don't have my powers.

*Emma looks at Gia as she checks Noah's arm*

Gia seriously you don't need to go find out your always being a bad ass and doing things to get in trouble let Noah get your morpher fixed, Noah how's your arm i can bandage it.
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