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Old 03/02/15, 10:28 AM   #3
Becky G
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Default Re: Power Rangers Megaforce/Super Megaforce

Power Rangers Super Megaforce Chapter 42

Keeps walking trying to find them.

Demaras: *Staggers back*

No more mr nice guy....

*Charges in and start slashing the blue ranger*

Gia were are you anwer us.

Do you see her anywhere.

*Blocks the attacks*

Come on now you have to do better then this.

*Jumps up and fires down on Demaras using the hydro bow*

No but call to her maybe she'll answer you.

I don't know but i know she cares about Noah.

*Gets hit and goes to one knee*

Here how about you try my blast.

*Fires back at Noah*

*Gets hit and falls losing my legendary mode*

Whoa I must be still weak but not weak enough from using my super mode.

*Gets back up*

I just wish I had another saber...this guy is starting to bug me.

Walks slowly past the deck where Levira and Vekar but hides.

Yeah we have to get her to answer us Gia, where are you.

Vekar: Come on you idiots get the rangers...they can't be that tough.

Levira: To make matters worst demaras is having a tough time dealing with the blue ranger.

Vekar: He had better not fail me.

Gia where are you.

Tiptoes really quietly past and to the other side of the ship hiding.

Troy it's Emma can you hear me.

I read you Emma, Have you found her yet?

No and it's not like her and I'm getting really annoyed cause Noah needs help.

Go find her, I can't stay in the open much longer.
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