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Old 03/02/15, 10:16 AM   #9
Becky G
Power Ranger
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Default Re: Power Rangers Megaforce/Super Megaforce

Power Rangers Super Megaforce Chapter 38

Goes for a quiet walk trying not to passout I'm stronger than this i know i can fight it i just want him back.

Gosei: *Teleports Emma and brings Gia back to the command center*

*Keeps firing down from the top of the building*

Ha ha ha ha.

*Emma gets there and looks for Noah*

Noah I know your in there come down and talk to me.

*Looks down and see the pink ranger*

Foolish pink and the other rangers will be destroyed.

*Fires down at the pink ranger*

I swear they are going to pay for turning him into a monster i will make sure of that.

Gosei: Gia calm down the best way to help the team is to be calm and ready to inject the antidote to him and yourself when its ready.

I am calm i'm just worried about him right now and not me.

*Pulls out my morpher*

Super Mega Mode.

*As I dodge the attack*

Oh good a challenge.

*Flips down to the ground*

Draw your

*Slashes the pink ranger*

*Goes down*

Gosei I need help, Noah listen it's me Emma I know your in there.

*Pulls out my blaster*

*Kicks the blaster out of your hand*

Wrong weapon pink ranger..

*Slashes again with my sword*

Gosei: *contacts Troy and Jake*

*Emma goes down again holding her arm*

Noah this isn't you, I'm here to help you.

*Pulls out my sword*

Now its a battle...

*Holds one hand behind me as I keep trying to slash you with my sword*

*Holds my weapon out and charges*

Noah snap out of it.

Its about time pink ranger...ha ha ha.

*Defends off the attack with one arm behind my back*

Come on pink ranger is that all you got.

Tensou: Its done.

*Opens up the middle*

Gia take this to him now before its to late.

Gosei: Go now Emma needs your help..I don't know how much more she can take.

*Teleports Gia with the antidote*

You haven't seen anything yet, Noah please were working on the antidote.

*Charges again hitting him in the arm*

*Stuns me*



Nice try pink ranger...

*Kicks and slashes you back*

*Goes down dropping my saber*

Gets there and sees Emma fighting Noah Em catch Throws you the antidote.

*Catches it*

Gia call Troy and tell him to help I need you guys to try to hold Noah.

Levira There she is...she's out of hiding...get her now.

Levira: As you wish my dear.

*Sends the X Borgs to get Gia*

*Emma looks at Gia and calls Troy*

Gia you need to help hold Noah, Troy I need help.

Ooo...the pink ranger got herself a new weapon.

*Starts walking towards her*

Like thats going to matter.


Emma i wish i could but i'm a little busy here Starts fighting the X Borgs.

Gosei I need Troy now, Gia's in trouble and I need help holding him.

*Hides the antidote*

Noah listen to me your not evil close your eyes and remeber.

Runs into the city and sees Emma Hold on Super Mega Mode Morphs and helps Em.

Keeps fighting the X Borgs You think i'm going back there not a chance.

Jake can you hold him so I can give him the antidote, Noah please remember.

OoO...the green ranger to the rescue.

*Fires at the green ranger*

Troy walks up As he morphs.

Super Megamode!

Jake watch out,

*Emma throws Jake her saber*

Jake catch.

Demaras: *Sneaks up and grabs Gia*

Your coming with me.

*Laughs and vanishes back to the Armada*

Catches it throws you my blaster.

*Catches it*

We need to be careful with him it's still Noah in there.

*Blasts his sword out of his hand*

Now the red ranger came to join the party...come on red and green show me what you got.

*Gets ready to fight*

Pulls out his blaster then twirls it.

Runs towards him slashing him hard.

Come on buddy snap out of it.

*Bats the blast out the air*

Nice try pink ranger.

*Gets hit*

Ok green ranger...

*Counter with a slash back at you*

Troy can you and Jake hold him, were your friends your team think back to when you and Gia were hanging out.

Troy blasts both of Noah's back of his hands.

Who is this Noah you speak.

*Sticks the sword in the ground sending out a blast at the rangers*

Jumps out of the way.

Guys watch out.

*Emma dodges*

Guys can you distract him.

I can try but we have to get him back to normal wasn't Gia just here.

Jake we can't worry bout her now we have to help Noah.

*Hears a scream*


*Looks up in the direction where she was*

He's remembering Troy, Jake now.

*Emma gets the antidote out*

Just keep remembering her Grabs his arm holding him tight.

Get away from me.

*Sends out a blast and runs to where Gia was*

*Emma sees where he's going*

Noah call out to her again think of how to help her, you need to get better to help her.
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