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Old 03/02/15, 10:14 AM   #8
Becky G
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Default Re: Power Rangers Megaforce/Super Megaforce

Power Rangers Super Megaforce Chapter 37

I told you human your no match for me.

*Electrify the vines zapping the pink ranger*

*Feels the bolts*

Ow are you trying to fry me.

*Reaches for my blaster and fires it at you*

*Gets hit* vines.

*Drops you back on the ground*

Your going to pay for that pink ranger.

*Shoots razor sharp leaves at you*

*Lands on my feet as I fire at the leaves*

You don't know when to quit do you.

*Pampaging the city firing and destroying anything in my path*

*Pulls out my sky fan fanning the leaves back*

Now I'm gonna destroy you once and for all.

You can't beat me that easy human.

*Fires man eating flowers at you*

You don't seem to give up, a ranger never gives up.

*Pulls out my spin sword*

Spin sword activate.

*Spins the man eating flowers back*

Runs to the city and sees him destroying it runs over to him Noah please stop this isn't you never do this we will get you back to normal just hold on for me please.

Legendary mode Mighty morphin pink, Gosei this plant is getting the best of me, i don't know how long i can fight it do you have anything i can use.

Pink ranger your a worthy fighter....

*Transforms to my actual form*

Your human.

*Powers down*

No human...I'm not....i'm the guardian of the plants and i am willing to help you pink ranger but under one condition.

What condition is that, so you protect the plants.

I will make them wish they never turned you into that ugly monster.

I am willing to help you with whatever you want but you have to stop the humans from picking my flowers.

Of course your majesty i'm trying to keep all nature and plants safe from monsters and some people, i'm a nature lover so i know how you feel about people picking flowers, i'll find a way for them to stop.

*Sees Gia and throws her out of the way*

Ha ha ha ha stay out of the way ranger....

*Keeps destroying the buildings*

In that case whatever your heart wishes for shall appear in your hand.


*Emma closes her eyes and wishes for the flower as it appears in her hands*

Gosei I got the flower can you bring me back, how's Noah doing.

We will get you back to normal i will make sure of that they will wish they never messed with you wait til i get back there it's not going to be pretty Starts feeling the affects tries not to passout.

Gosei: congratulations Emma....i am teleporting you and the flower back to the command center...

Thank you Gosei it wasn't easy that flower put up a fight.

*Emma teleports to the command center*

*Throws you back down*

I told you to stay out of my way...

*jumps up on top of a building and start firing down to the ground*

Gosei: Emma I knew you could reason with the guardian...that is why i sent place the flower inside Tensou.

Tensou: *Opens his middle up*

*I place the flower inside*

How's Noah.

Gosei: Gia is with him trying to contain him but needs help.

Tensou: Gia is no match for him without her powers.

Gosei: I'm switching you and Gia but remember he is still human.

I know Gosei i have to find a way to inject him without getting caught between him and the monster.

Gosei: I will teleport the antidote and Gia to your location when its done.

Thanks Gosei, I'll try and distract him til it's ready.
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