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Old 03/02/15, 10:06 AM   #4
Becky G
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Default Re: Power Rangers Megaforce/Super Megaforce

Power Rangers Super Megaforce Chapter 33

Noah where are you going.

*Doesn't answers and keeps flying towards earth*

Troy we need to get Gia back to Gosei, Noah flew off he might be going to the command center he's not answering me.

Fly's back to the command center.

Alright, it's just under us...take Gia and jake, I'm going after Noah.

No I'll go look for him, I'll call you just get them to Gosei fast.

I'm more worried about him than me right now.


Grabs Gia then jumps down the rope.

*Uses my phoenix zord and goes looking for him as I call him*

Noah you need to get to the command center and get checked out please do it for Gia.

*Hears Em on the radio and flies faster*


*Slows down and lands behind the mountains out of sight*

I got to get out here....something is wrong...i can't let the others see me.

*Staggers into a cave to hide*

Gosei can you locate Noah.

*Flies off to his location looking*

*Inside the cave i demorph and drop to the ground*

*Lands looking for his jet and than looking for him*

Noah answer me please you need help and fast please.

Gosei: back to the command center immediately.

Troy walks into the command center with Gia.

On my way, but what about Noah.

*Emma gets back to her zord*

Gosei: Don't worry about Noah..I will keep monitoring him.

Tensou: Oh boy! Gia...Troy put her down over there.

*Leads you over to a corner*

*Flys back to the command center and walks in*

What's going on.

It affected him faster for me it will take a while for me to feel the affects but we need antidote for him i'm more worried about him than me something is wrong with him i knew it when he flew away from the skyship.

Gosei: You are right Gia...something is dangerously wrong with Noah....turn your attention to the monitor.

*Shows Noah's vitals*

Looks at the monitor.

*I look at it*

What's happening to him.

Gosei: Noah is a accelerated rate.

Tensou: Gia you have to stay here...until we get the antidote made up

*Activates a force field around Gia*

Are you saying he'll turn evil and Gia will to and attack us.

I told him they were planning something for me but she injected him with it it's different than what i drank i just want him back to normal so he can help me cause i really need him right now but not when he's like this i'm loosing him i was preventing this from happening.

Gosei, I have to try to help him do we have anything that can help him.
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