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Old 03/02/15, 09:53 AM   #10
Becky G
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Default Re: Power Rangers Megaforce/Super Megaforce

Power Rangers Super Megaforce Chapter 20

Like i said it's just beginning who knows how many more are out there.

Vekar: Levira send in more they must be stopped....

Levira: As you wish.

*Sends in more X Borgs and Brusiers*

Super mega!!!


Guys we're not finished yet.

*Points to more of them*

Not again they never quit Uses my saber whips destroying them.

Go Go megaforce!

Morphs into Megaforce Red Ranger.

*Goes to work slashing the X Borgs and Bruisers*

Troy insert's his weapon and summons his dragon sword.

*Runs out from around the corner at the blue ranger slashing him from surprise*

Remember me blue ranger....

*Gets hit and falls*

Ahh...Skatana...I beat you once I can do it again.

*Gets my blue keys out*

Finishes the X-Borgs and Bruisers then sees Noah and Skatana No not again Noah be careful i'm not going to lose you to this ugly freak.

Troy finishes off his X Borgs then looks towards Noah.

Oh no you don't...

*Streaks over to Gia grabbing her*

Your nothing without her...

*Laughs and disappears with Gia*


*Drops to my knees*

I let you down....I can't believe I didn't see that coming...

*Gets up and walks away*

*Runs to him*

Noah it's not your fault we'll get her back and we'll beat Skatana.


*Walks around her and keeps walking*

Walks to Emma.

We have to find her.

I know but I'm worried about Noah I have to go talk to him see if you and Jake can locate her with Gosei's help.

*As I'm walking I power down*

Troy looks towards Jake.

Let's head back to base.

*Powers down and goes to find Noah as I ride my bike and sees him as I run over to him*

Noah talk to me.

*Keeps walking*

There is nothing to talk about....

*Grabs his arm*

Noah stop for a second this isn't you what happened to the smart computer genuis that we all love, it's like your giving up just cause Gia's gone, we'll get her back and defeat Skatana.

Troy makes it back to base. Gosei,

Gia was taken....can you track her morpher signal?

Gosei: We've already been trying to track her down.

Tensou: Its like the yellow ranger just fell off the face of the earth.


Yeah I trust you...but not...

I know we'll figure this out.

*Throws an exploding dagger at a near by tree just missing Emma and Noah*

What the I think he found us.

Gosei: My sensors indicates that Skatana is back and is attacking the blue and pink rangers.

*Lands on my side*

Noah are you alright.
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