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Old 02/09/15, 06:25 PM   #3
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Well hello there everybody welcome to another Magic Happy VR Troopers Review, and today we are looking at Digging For Fire written by Adam,Gilad, and directed by Jonathan Grant Weil.

So we start off with today’s “My dad taught me” moment where Ryan once again talks about how his dad told him told him to never give up no matter how hard it seems.

Then we see the Troopers looking for a present for Two's birthday, and first they look at flowers but decide against it, then we get a comedy bit with Jen trying to eat a flower, then the Troopers decide to buy a pot from a nearby vendor when an earthquake hits which isn't supposed to happen in Crossworld City so Kaitlin goes to Underground Voice Daily, and investigate, and the other Troopers go to the lab.

Meanwhile at Ziktor industries we find out that no surprise Ziktor is responsible as he's working on a secret tunneling project then he transforms into Grimlord, and goes the virtual dungeon to explain that he's tunneling to the center of the Earth for power.

He then requests a mutant to protect the tunneling project, and a purple, and yellow mutant with large gloves, and bulky upper body armor but light leg armor named Fistbot volunteers.

At the Underground Voice Daily we get a comedy bit with Woody in full protective gear next an earthquake kit before Kaitlin asks to search the backlogs.

While at the lab JB asks the Professor if Crossworld City has a faultline, and before JB can ask if a new one has opened since the last survey the Professor is way ahead, and has Ryan, and JB put on visors, and they find Grimlord's tunnels.

Then the Troopers drive over to where they think the tunnels are but can't find a place to park so Ryan splits off to investigate but Grimlord decides to send Skugs, and just when Kaitlin parks her car a parking attendant gets up, and turns into a Skug, and more show up.

Then the Skugs try to kick at JB, and Kaitlin but they block it, then JB punches ,and kicks them, and Kaitlin kicks them, then JB punches, kicks, and throws a Skug while Kaitlin flips over another Skug, and kicks it, and another.

Meanwhile Ryan is trying to get inside but it's locked then some skater dudes show up, and tell him it's always locked, and that they always hear weird noises then they just skate away.

Then a flying fist almost hits Ryan, and he sees Fistbot, and transforms then Fistbot jumps at Ryan but Ryan dodges so Fistbot punches, and kiss kicks him but Ryan keeps blocking, and grabs Fistbot's arm so he fires a fist but it misses, and Ryan throws Fistbot, and punches, and kicks him so Fistbot retreats.

Meanwhile JB dodges a Skug then kicks it, and another then hits one with a car door, kicks the Skugs into each other then Skugs try to punch Kaitlin but she tricks them into destroying each other.

Then the Troopers meet back up, and figure out that Grimlord's up to something then an even bigger earthquake happens so the Troopers go back to the lab, and investigate some more.
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