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Old 01/13/15, 01:27 PM   #5
Putty Patroller
Join Date: 09/21/11
Posts: 7
Default Re: Why did Mega Force fails on the first front?

Using fanservice to compensate for effort in writing.

Granted the fanservice was lackluster whether it trying to emulate MMPR (Even having a new character named Ernie) or paying tribute to the past seasons in SMF, but it feels like the fanservice overall was suppose to carry the series rather than developing the cast and story on their own merits.

Frankly Dino Thunder does it right. The fanservice had more heart put into it, plus the characters pay homage to the MMPR cast without being ripoffs. Simply put, DT succeeds as both a love letter to longtime PR fans, while still doing it's own thing and doing it well.
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