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Old 01/08/15, 11:08 PM   #10
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Default Re: Zabitan's Magic Happy American Tokusatu Reviews

Final Thoughts

Well today’s episode was pretty good not as good as Searching for Tyler Steele but better than the last one, and my only real complaints are in the nitpick department.

Such as the fact that they skipped the monster vs monster fight from Metalder since they use the other ones in later episodes.

And the fact that despite the show being able to show stabbings something Saban’s Masked Rider couldn’t do they can’t show decapitations or heads being twisted even when we see the aftermaths something oddly enough Masked Rider could show.

In a perfect universe all of Saban superhero shows would be able to show both stabbings, and decapitations especially since in not only VR Troopers, and Masked Rider but also the Japanese shows the monsters were Robots, and Mutants.

Which you think would be okay to show violence against since last time I checked Robots, and Mutants aren’t a group you have to worry about offending.

That and it seems like Grimlord’s evil plan is oddly irrelevant since we don’t actually see any snowing in Crossworld city so Grimlord’s plan might as well have been to turn Tao dojo into a crack house.

It did make me think since a common criticism of the show is that it’s hard to tell reality from virtual reality since they tend to look the same.

Perhaps maybe they could have just explained that virtual reality or at least the part where Grimlord lives is perpetually snowing since we later learn that it never snows in Crossworld City.

So Grimlord wants to make are reality more like virtual reality something he also does in later epsisodes, and maybe also have JB, and Kaitlin fight Snowbot who did have ice powers.

I do like seeing a VR Troopers episode use only one monster, and it was cool seeing JB, and Kaitlin destroy the weather station since I think seeing them destroy Grimlord’s bases as an alternative to just vehicle battles, and Battle Grid mode.

That being said I still liked the Battle Grid fight since it was cool to see a Battle Grid segment that doesn’t come right after the regular Skug battle since it makes the Battle Grid fight feel like it’s own thing vs just an extension of the regular Skug fight.

I also like that we got to see the Troopers transform back out of Battle Grid mode even if it’s just their regular Battle Grid transformations in reverse.

Tune in next time everyone for more Magic Happy VR Troopers Reviews.
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