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Old 12/11/14, 07:50 PM   #9
The Ghost Ranger
Power Ranger
Join Date: 12/11/14
Location: Arizona
Posts: 186
Default Re: Power Rangers Legacy

Chapter 19: Preservation of Legacy Part One

"This is Amy Jennings reporting for Channel Ten News! I'm live at the scene of a fight between what appears to be an invasion of some sort and the Power Rangers, and- oh my God! Their Megazord just blew up! They landed nearby, Johnny, come on, let's get a closeup!" Amy and her cameraman walked over some of the small rubble to get a shot of the Rangers unmorphed. "Ladies and Gentlemen, today I have video of our heroes unmasked.."

-Earlier That Day-

"Class, today I am going to ask you a question that your parents and friends have asked you many times throughout your life; What do you want to be when you grow up? You only have a year of high school left before you graduate, and it is time to be thinking about the future." Mrs. Peabody spoke to her class with a smile, looking for anyone who would volunteer, when Jerome raised his hand. "Yes, Jerome?"

"I want to be a senator for Crystal Harbor. Nowadays, we see people blaming our government on matters that they feel can be easily fixed; some of the people that are in power do not care, or are corrupt. I want to make a difference with what I can do." "That's a long term goal, very impressive! Anyone else?" Zeke raised his hand saying "I want to be a video game designer." Vanessa then said "I would like to be a professional chef." Diane spoke up next saying "I want to be a museum curator, working in the store made me appreciate history." Spike was next after some thought, speaking "I want to help people, so I might end up becoming a volunteer for groups." Other students started to answer as well; "Fashion designer!" "Actor!" "Architect!" "Football player!". Mrs. Peabody then looked at Jake, who hadn't said anything after all the students gave their answer. "Jake, what about you?" "I..I just want to be able to grow old and live in peace. I know that may sound weird but I have my reasons for wanting that." "Everyone has something they wish to do, so its not as strange as you think. Your assignment for today is to write one paragraph about your long term goals." The bell rang, class ending.

After school, the six were on the bus home, chatting it up when Cliff the bus driver heard something strange on his radio, "Hey kids, can you all quiet down a sec?" he asked, turning the radio up. There were shouts in other languages coming through the speaker, asking for help or shouting orders, as well as gunfire and explosions. "What on Earth could that be?" the bus driver asked himself, when he looked up an slammed onto the brakes; traffic was at a standstill with people getting out of their cars. The students looked out the bus windows, when the sky would go from sunny and bright, to eclipsed in darkness by vast amounts of flying ships.

"It's the Empire, they've finally made their move.." Jake said in a whisper, eyes glued to all the ships flying overheard, firing lasers in every which direction . "There must be thousands of them." said Diane. "Everyone off the bus, get to safety!" Cliff yelled, the students all evacuating as the six teens stood beside one another, Jerome speaking into his watch "T.K, we got a problem here!" "Understatement of the year! There are Tul'Van ships attacking all over the world, their military forces are trying to hold them off, but I'm not sure how long they'll last!" T.K said through her headset microphone, various videos from news all over the world showing the Tul'Van warships firing on the people.

"We have to protect Crystal Harbor, no matter what!" Zeke declared, when a bright light shot down from the main ship, with two alien like beings wielding scimitar like swords. "We speak for Emperor Tul'Van. Surrender and we will spare your lives! Refuse and you will be annihilated!" Jake looked from his friends to the Kings men, holding up his Morpher. "Tell your Emperor that the Power Rangers will fight back til the very end! Ready guys?!" The other five held their own Morphers up, declaring "Legacy Power, Activate!" The six Rangers stared the Royal Guards down, who charged forward, sending forth beams of power at the team, causing a cloud of smoke to rise. "Legacy Transcendence! Go Go Samurai!" When the smoke cleared, they had Transcended into the Samurai Rangers, bringing out their swords to fight their enemies, the two guards crossed their scimitar's and send out an X shaped energy blast, the Rangers jumping over it and charging forward.

"My Emperor, our forces are too spread out to make a coherent attack on the Rangers, we need to regroup all our attack ships on their city to defeat them." Luven stood beside Emperor Tul'van, who wore a Resolution Blue and Gold battle armor, consisting of jagged shoulder pads that had twin 'flags' hanging off of the back, the same color as his armor, bladed gauntlets and boots, his face obscured by a helmet with a blue mouth guard and gold visor. "Luven, out of all my trusted warriors, soldiers, and scientists, only you have survived. K'Turi, Chosav, Zachex, and the Black Phantom Ranger have all failed me. You will be rewarded well for your efforts and completion of my plans. Recall our forces, and have them annihilate Crystal Harbor."

"Hya!" Legacy Samurai Red brought his spin sword to clang loudly against the first guard's sword, who let out a chuckle and heated his scimitar up, his weapon starting to melt through the Ranger's weapon. "What the?!" "Hang on Jerome!" Legacy Samurai Blue firing arrows from the Hydro Bow at the first attacker, only to be sent flying by the second one, reverting to his base suit with a grunt. Legacy Samurai Pink and Yellow ran forward while sending out their elemental attacks, the second guard being pelted by rocks and lifted off the ground, letting out a growl as he flew at the two ladies, slashing them with enough force to send them flying into the abandoned bus, reverting them to their base suits, crying out "Agh! "Ahh!".

The skies soon darkened, by both all the ships that had joined the attack, and a thunderstorm that began to rage, rain pouring down. Legacy Samurai Green's body began to glow with a light aura, spinning a green spin disk and turning the Spin Sword into the Forest Spear. Letting out a yell, he charged the Royal Guard who had sent Legacy Samurai Red to one knee, and drove the spear into its back, sending forth a vortex of earth that made the enemy fly forward, exploding. "Thanks, Spike." "Anytime, friend." the two powered down to their base suits, helping Legacy Blue, Pink and Yellow up while Legacy Samurai Gold was trying his best to keep the second Royal Guard at bay, the two circling one another before the monster held its hand out, the first scimitar flew to its hand, slicing the Ranger in an X shape and sending him flying back right as the Barracuda Blade cut his arm.

"Jake!" Legacy Yellow helped her friend up, the six of them looking at the warrior in front of them with fury. "Time to take it to the next level! Battleizer Mode!" Legacy Red yelled, the others calling out "Legacy Battleizer Mode!" The six transformed once more into their armored forms, the Royal Guard shouting "Say goodbye to your planet!" "For Earth!" Ghost Ranger declared, the six running at their opponent, yelling.

"The instructions to its building were followed to the letter, per your command, my Emperor. All the items we acquired on this planet aided in its completion." Luven spoke as he lead the Emperor down many corridors down to the docking bay of the ship, lights turning on to show Tul'Van a massive robot designed in his image. "It is to your liking, your Excellency?" "Very much so, Luven. Very much so..Is it battle ready?" "Yes, sir. " "Good, I wish to use it on the Rangers. Prepare for aerial battle!"

The Royal Guard slammed its twin scimitars' into the Legacy Rangers, the warriors falling to the ground in pain, but they kept getting back up, attacking with their weapons . The rain poured down harder then before, causing them to lose their footing in the mud. "Ahhhhhh!" Legacy put his Shot Blaster point blank at his chest, screaming "COLLATERAL SHOT!" pulling the trigger and blasting the Royal Guard back, with Legacy Yellow and Green following up with strikes from their swords, Legacy Pink and Ghost slammed their weapons into the Guard's chest, sending him into the air. Waiting for him was Legacy Red, Falcon Summoner in hand and pulled back, shouting "PHOENIX SHOT!" the arrow sending the opponent back to the ground with a tremble, lightning striking the spot where he landed.

However, the Royal Gaurd stood up, pulsing with energy. "I'm taking you with me! GOODBYE, RANGERS!" The enemy exploded in a burst of energy, the Rangers flying back in different directions. After a few moments, they stood and regrouped, tired, sore, but still willing to fight. "Good job guys, that's two down, a lot more to go." Legacy Blue said, breathing hard. "Just one problem, that last attack completely destroyed your Battleizers" T.K said through the watches, Legacy Pink sighing slightly. "What do we do now?" asked Yellow. "We keep fighting." Ghost said.

"Uh... Guys?" Legacy Green spoke up, pointing to the sky. More ships arrived to help conquer Crystal Harbor! "T.K, are the Zords operational?" Red asked into his watch. "Yes, but against a force that size, I'm not sure what type of damage you'll- Hang on just a sec." At the Garage, there was a forceful pounding on the door, T.K looking around and grabbing a bag, stuffing it with a few data discs and other things including a laptop computer. Then she grabbed a bicycle and headed out a back entrance, peddaling as fast as she could when the main door exploded, Nokbots entering the base and starting to blast the Legacy Cycles, the main computer, everything.

"T.K? T.K?!" Ghost yelled into his watch, Pink grabbing him gently. "I'm sure she's okay, but right now we have to worry about that fleet. "She's right. Wanna hitch a ride with us?"asked Blue, looking at their sixth warrior. "I would like that, thank you." "Alright guys, let's summon the Zords! Red Phoenix Legacy Zord!" "Blue Bear Legacy Zord!" "Pink Chameleon Legacy Zord!" "Green Stingray Legacy Zord!" "Yellow Wolf Legacy Zord!" They all jumped into their robots, Ghost standing beside Red's seat as they all formed the Legacy Megazord.

"We're going to need to be able to fly to take out those ships." said Pink. "I think we got just the thing." Blue replied, the team spinning their watch hands to 10:04 and calling out "Legacy Megazord Transcendence! Wings of Titan Megazord!" Wings of the Mystic Garuda appeared on the robots back, taking flight into the sky, shooting straight for the ships. Laser fire shot at them from all around, the robot dodging close shots as it summoned a glowing chain, the axe in the wolf hand lowering on it as the robot swung it around on the chain length, the Rangers calling out "Legacy Chained Kunai!". Many ships were cute in half, exploding, the Rangers decimating the invaders until finally, all that was left were a few battleships and the Emperor's ship. "Let's end this!" Legacy Red declared, the Legacy Megazord flying towards the main ship, only to be kicked in the back from out of nowhere. With effort, the team stabilized the robot. "What was that?!" Flying beside them was another Megazord; Egyptian Blue and Gold in color, with six angelic like wings on the back, arms folded. A voice spoke from an intercom inside the robot.

"Hear me, Power Rangers! I am Emperor Tul'Van! You've one chance to surrender and become part of my collection, or perish as dust in the wind!" "We won't stand down to you or your army! We will never stop fighting to protect our planet!" Legacy Yellow yelled back. "I see...You have chosen utmost defeat then. Prepare for destruction!" The Tul'Van Megazord flew at the Legacy Megzaord with lightning speed, hitting it repeatedly with punches and kicks, grabbing the wings on its back and ripping them off, alarms going off in the Megazord cockpit. The Rangers went for a stab using the Chameleon arm, only for the enemy robot to grab it, and with a yell, tore it off the robot, crushing it in its grip. "NO!" screamed Legacy Pink, a hole in the robot where the arm had been. "Farewell, you meddlesome pests!" the Yul'Van Megazord punched the Rangers' robot away, one of its hands turning into a cannon as the six wings lit up, a crest appearing behind its back. Emperor Tul'Van then screamed out "AMBITION OF THE EMPIRE!", the cannon shot out a mega sized beam of energy.

The world went silent for the heroes; the fall went on for what seemed like eternity. The Legacy Megazord exploded, the robots disconnecting from each other and crashing to the ground, the Rangers all landing on the street where rubble from the earlier attacks had happened, knocked out and powered down.

-Current Time-

The Rangers woke up, unsure of how long they had been passed out. They were dirty, bruised, clothing slightly torn. They tried to get up but it was a struggle. "I can't believe we lost the Megazord.." Diane said, her voice was small, almost on the verge of crying. "It's worse then that...I think we lost our Powers.." Jerome said, holding up his fried watch Morpher. The others did the same, Jake taking a deep breath. "It can't end like this, we've fought too hard!" said Spike, he and the others sitting on a small piece of road that had been blown up when they heard a female voice. "Johnny, come on, let's get a closeup!" Amy and her cameraman walked over some of the small rubble to get a shot of the Rangers unmorphed. "Ladies and Gentlemen, today I have video of our heroes unmasked.." the cameraman focused on the six teens, their faces full of fear and unsureness.

-To Be Concluded.-
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