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Old 12/11/14, 07:07 PM   #8
The Ghost Ranger
Power Ranger
Join Date: 12/11/14
Location: Arizona
Posts: 186
Default Re: Power Rangers Legacy

Chapter 18: Code of Honor

Luven worked about in his lab, the data files he had gotten from K'Turi were spread out on his screen, going through each of them; they held information on the older teams of Rangers, their main enemies, the henchmen who fought for them, and the monsters the Rangers had fought. "With these files, our ultimate plan will come to be, our Emperor's goal conquering this system will come to fruition! The three phases have been completed, now we need only one more item..Ahhh. What have we here?" There was a glowing data line coming from the Samurai folder. He clicked onto the folder and scrolled down to the glowing line, eyes lighting up. "So, they thought it was too powerful, hmm? We'll just have to use it and find out!"

At Blue Bay High, during the last period of the day, Mrs. Peabody was showing off slides of Japanese Samurai warriors from various periods of Japan, saying. "Although they started out of warriors, the Samurai eventually become politically involved with the Shogunate, and finally during the Meiji era were eventually made null and void due to the laws the Emperor had enforced. They followed a code of morals, called what?" she asked her students, no one speaking until Spike raised his hand. "Yes, Spike?" "The Code of Bushido. It contained seven virtues that the Samurai followed to the letter, and should they ever have brought dishonor to themselves of their Emperor, committed ritual suicide, called Seppuku." "Very good! Looks like you've been studying hard this semester, Mr. Skullovitch."

"Dude, how did you know so much about that?" asked Zeke after school had let out; he, Spike, Jake, and Vanessa had been hanging out at the library working on research papers for various classes, while Jerome and Diane headed to the Garage to help T.K fill out the RPM archives with a disk Doc K had given them before they returned from Corinth. "My Uncle Bulk trained me to become a Samurai warrior when I went to go visit him Panorama City a few years back. Thanks to him, and the Samurai Power Rangers, I became curious about the culture and ideals, so I did some big time studying." Spike said with a goofy smile.

"Glad to see you found a subject you can enjoy, mi amigo." Vanessa said with multiple books opened up on a table, writing down notes into her notebook while Jake had his face blocked by a book titled "History of Renaissance Era Italy", Zeke giving a chuckle while saying "Didn't take you for the artsy type!" Without pulling the book down, Jake grabbed one of his small erasers and chucked at his friend, who ducked. "And what are you writing about Zeke?" Vanessa asked, closing the books. "The history of Kamen Rider, of course!" She and Spike let out a slight groan, Jake laughing behind his book.

At the Crystal Harbor Mushashi Shrine, a warrior dressed in full armor made their way to a sword shaped rock, holding out their hand which clutched a small jewel that vibrated more intently the closer he got. Letting out a grunt, the warrior slammed their free hand into the rock, the substance crumbling to reveal a shining sword with a circular hand guard, the monster laughing triumphantly as it raised the blade into the air. "The Tul'Van Empire claims this sword as its arm of war!" At a certain house in Panorama City, alarms went off, a man wearing a hamaki and kinomo style top tapped his coffee table to reveal a map of Crystal Harbor, his eyes going wide at the source of the alarm. Stepping outside the house, he approached a young man training with a bamboo blade, looking up when he saw the older man approach. "Mentor Ji, what's the matter?" "Jayden, I am afraid the moment we feared has finally come. We must bring the team back together."

Jerome slid the disc out of the computer, T.K typing up the last few bits of information about the RPM Rangers, sitting back in her chair with a sigh of relief. "Boy, sure is good to have a more complete archive for whoever comes after us, you know?" "What do you mean?" asked Diane, who sat beside her, having helped take notes from the disc. "The Legacy Rangers won't be around forever. It's a sad idea to think about, yes, but once you guys beat the Tul'Van Empire, will there be anymore need for us?" "Until we know our planet is truly safe, I think the Power Rangers will always be needed, regardless of which team it is." said Jerome, who leaned against a table, arms crossed.

"Fair point, Red Ranger, at least we'll be able to rest easy once this is all over." T.K smiled at them, relaxing in her chair until the alarms started going off. "Oh, it figures!" she grumbled, sitting up straight and bringing up as visual. "We got a monster at the Mushashi Shrine by the forest, and the energy readings are going wild! Get going, I'll contact the others to meet you there."

"Hey, what do you think you're doing?" asked Legacy Red, he and Pink standing side by side as the monster with the sword turned to face them. "You must be the Power Rangers! I am Ronin, seeker of weapons and guardian of the Emperor! I'll have fun using this weapon against you." "Try that against six Rangers!" Ghost Ranger said, as he, Legacy Yellow, Green, and Blue jumped through the air to land beside their friends, standing side by side." "Gladly!" Ronin charged forward with the special weapon, the Rangers running at him to attack; he slashed through them easily, the sword sending out arcs of red lightning. After they fell to the ground, he gave out a laugh. "Hahaha! If this is all you have, you'll fall to this blade easily!"

Raising the blade over his head, Ronin went for a final attack, only for six colors to blur past him, each letting out a sword slash and standing on the opposite side of the battle. The Legacy Rangers and Ronin looked over to the attackers; Six Power Rangers, wearing Samurai like attire in the colors of Red, Blue, Green, Pink, Yellow, and Gold. "That sword doesn't belong to you. Return it immediately or face the wrath of the Samurai Rangers!" Samurai Red declares, each Samurai Ranger removing their Spin Sword Katana and posing together. "More Rangers, this should be interesting!"

"Rangers, attack!" Red commanded, Samurai Blue, Green, Pink, Yellow, and Gold rushing forward to do battle with Ronin, each using their own spin sword to try and strike him, however he would use a three sixty degree slash, red lightning shooting them all back. "Hang on guys, we got your back!" Legacy Blue called out, summoning his Shot Blaster to fire it at Ronin, who smacked the energy bullet out the way with the sword. "Stay back! This is our problem!" Samurai Blue said, going for another attack, Ronin slamming his blade against his own, sending him into a crouch as Samurai Red jumped through the air, spinning the disk on his hand guard to send out a lightning strike of his own.

"Aghr!" Ronin went tumbling down, rolling into a crouch and leaping high, Legacy Red and Yellow following him with their own weapons drawn, going for an attack, only for Samurai Yellow and Green to knock them away from the monster, each landing on a crouch. "We said leave, let us handle this!" Samurai Green yelled, only for Legacy Pink to slam her staff into his stomach, saying "This is our home, we'll fight to defend it!" Samurai Pink spun her disc around on her sword, yelling out "Airway!" sending forth a gust of wind at Ronin. Raising his arms to shield himself, growling. "I've had enough of this! MUSASHI DECIMATION!" he roared, multiple lightning strikes hitting all of the Rangers, sending them to the ground and he vanishing, laughing.

"We could have handled that guy! Thanks to you he got away!" Legacy Blue rushed Samurai Blue, starting to punch at him while Legacy and Samurai Yellow went at one another with their respective weapons. "This is a matter of the Samurai Rangers, we're the ones responsible for that sword!" "So are the Legacy Rangers! We can help each other!" Samurai Red and Legacy Red said to each other, circling one another with their swords ready. Clenching his fists, Legacy Green watched the two teams fight one another, before yelling out at the top of his lungs "STOP FIGHTING!" All eleven warriors froze, Legacy Green powering down to his civilian clothes, Samurai Pink slowly approaching him and powering down as well. "Spike!?" "Hello, Mia." he said slightly sheepishly, the other Samurai Rangers powering down and approaching him as well. "When did you become a Power Ranger?" asked Emily, smiling at him. "Earlier this year...Those people your fighting? Are my friends." Spike said, the Legacy Rangers and Ghost Ranger powering down, looking over each of the Samurai Rangers with slight irritation. "We should return to the house. We need to chat with our successors." Jayden said, looking down in shame.

"You should all be ashamed of yourselves! Thanks to your squabbling, Ronin got away with the Musashi Blade." Mentor Ji was not happy with either team at the moment, all of them sitting on the large couch in the Shiba House. "Ji, that sword is a Samurai issue and-" "Quiet, Mike! Both teams were in the wrong in that battle. You're all Rangers, you're suppose to help each other, not ego measure."

"Sir? What exactly is the Musashi Blade?" Vanessa asked, sitting beside Emily and Zeke on the couch. Jayden slowly stood, bringing out his Samuraizer and tracing a symbol for the word 'Past' A video like image played in front of them as he spoke. "The Samurai Powers are passed down from generation to generation of our families. Each new child is raised to eventually become the next Ranger in line, but there is one power that our ancestors deemed too powerful. Miyamoto Musashi, the legendary Kenjutsu practitioner was the original Samurai Ranger, but he kept this secret from all others." "How did he do that? Become a Ranger I mean?" asked Jake, leaning forward and giving his full attention.

"Using his Five Rings teachings, he was able to harness the spirit of the warrior, and used this to make his own style armor. and went to work to create a sword that would fit his dual sword style. However, the sword was too powerful to wield, and he was unable to master it before his passing. Our ancestors found the Musashi Blade and, after numerous attempts to harness it, decided to hide the blade as a rock in what would eventually become your Crystal Harbor. Ronin now has the sword, and if he unlocks its full powers? We're all in trouble." "This is why you must all work together to defeat him. If you continue to fight one another, then nothing will be accomplished." Ji said, arms crossed.

"We'll do whatever it takes to stop him, Mr. Ji." Spike said, standing up and looking at the teams. "We fight as one group, no fighting, no ego trips." "Agreed." said Jayden, looking at them all. "However, Ronin fights like a true Samurai warrior. We will train you to hone your instincts and reaction timing. We have very little time, so lets get started now." The twelve warriors made their way to the training arena, each Samurai Ranger mentoring their respective successor in combat. "Jake, where is your weapon?" Antonio asked, Jake holding up his fists, saying "These are all I ever really used unless I need something else." The young Spanish man shook his head, grabbing a small dagger and putting it into a sheath. "You're going to learn how a barracuda can have a bonita bite!"

"Zeke, have you ever used a sword?" Kevin asked, standing beside the gamer as the two did repeated strikes with bamboo blades. "My main weapon is a gun, but I have used swords when turning into other Rangers." "I see. Kenjutsu is a very well known sword school, and I think you'd do well in learning some more techniques." "Being a Samurai is not just about swords and strength of attacks. There must be a gracefulness to your techniques as well." said Mia as she, Diane, Vanessa, and Emily went through a kata with their own bamboo swords. "You must focus your breathing, search for your inner strength and let all distractions leave your mind." Emily spoke, smiling at the three.

Jayden stood beside Jerome, the two watching their team members with pride. "Those are some good friends you have there." Jerome said. "You as well, I am sorry we started off on the wrong foot. We weren't aware that a new team had been formed yet..Things had been so quiet that we thought the war was over, you know?" "No worries! Rangers stick together." The two shook hands as Mike yelled "Heads up!", the two ducking as a bamboo sword went flying past them and through a window, Spike blushing and slowly scooting back.

A little while later, All twelve Rangers stood before the Musashi Shrine, Ronin appearing in a swirl of leaves, Musashi Blade in hand. "So you've returned for your surrender? There is honor in accepting defeat." "You know nothing of honor! A real Samurai would never misuse the sword you wield! Let's show them how we follow -our- code of honor!" said Jayden, with he, Kevin, Emily, and Mia taking out their Samuraizers, tracing Kanji in the air and punching them, saying "Go Go Samurai!" while Antonio took out a cell phone, opening and saying "Samurai Morpher, Gold Power!" "Shall we?" asked Jerome, grinning at his team as they spun their watch faces around, calling out "Legacy Power, Activate!" All twelve transformed, with the Samurais' pulling out their Spin Swords and attaching a colored disk to the handle, spinning them. "Fire Smasher!" "Hydro Bow!" "Forest Spear!" "Earth Slicer!" "Sky Fan!" "Barracuda Blade!" Each sword transformed into a different weapon; Samurai Red's sword became a larger zanbato, Samurai Blue's sword turning into a large bow, Samurai Green's sword turned into a three pronged spear, Yellow's a three bladed shuriken, and Pink's a war fan.

"Red Legacy Saber!" "Shot Blaster!" "Stingray Katana!" "Wolf Fang Daggers!" "Spark Staff!" "Ghost Barracuda Blade!" All twelve warriors stood tall as Ronin snapped his fingers, Nokbots appearing by the dozens. "Remember, trust your instincts!" Samurai Red spoke, the two Ranger teams rushed forward, splitting off into duo groups to fight the robots.

Samurai Pink swung her Sky Fan around her, creating a breeze to lift the robots up into the air, as Legacy Pink slammed her Spark Staff into the ground, sending a bolt of lightning down from the sky to electrocute them all, falling to the ground. Legacy Blue and Samurai Blue both stood back to back, firing off shots from their respective weapons, taking out a small group, the two high-fiving each other. Samurai Green ran forward with his spear, gathering up Nokbots between the blades and with a grunt, tossed them into the air, Legacy Green jumping after them to slice them up rapidly, the robots falling to the ground in pieces, while cheering "Just like a real Samurai!". The Yellow Rangers took turns slicing the Nokbots that ran at them, with Samurai Yellow back flipping and throwing her Earth Slicer at a small group, Legacy Yellow following suit to nail the last two. Ghost Ranger and Samurai Gold became blurs of speed, both yelling out "Barracuda Bite!" while Nokbots were slashed from both Rangers, exploding once the two sheathed their blades. Finally, Samurai and Legacy Red powered up their respective swords, letting out a battle cry as they sent out a wave of fire and a wave of energy, the rest of the robots exploding.

"You may have beaten those worthless robots, but you will not beat the Musashi Blade!" Ronin yelled, running forward and slashing each Ranger with a red lightning cut, causing them to fall to the ground in pain. "This guy is just too powerful with that weapon! We need to take it up to the next level!" Samurai Red commanded, the Rangers getting up, with the five main Samurai each pulling out a black Spin Disk and Black Box, attaching it to their Spin Swords. "Super Samurai Mode!" they called out together, each getting a white and gold long tailed vest. "Not bad at all, let's show them we do it Legacy style!" Legacy Red spoke, all six Rangers calling together "Legacy Battleizer Mode!" and each transforming into their respective Battleizer! "Hya!" they all charged toward Ronin as one group. "Hya! Ha! Waa!" The twelve Rangers all attacked, the warrior blocking their attacks with the Musashi Blade, sending them back with a burst of red lightning. The teams were driven back by his onslaught, but they would not give in. "Hit him with your attacks as one!" Legacy Red commanded, the Samurai Rangers powering up their swords as the Legacy Rangers powered up their weapons, Ghost Ranger and Gold Samurai powering up their fists and Barracuda Blade. "Blazing Strike!" "Dragon Splash!" "Forest Vortex!" "Seismic Swing! "Airway!" "Barracuda Bite!" "Phoenix Shot!" "Collateral Shot!" "Lightning Smasher!" "Blade Storm!" "Thunder Cut!" "One Thousand Phantom Fists!" The attacks flew out, combining into a giant kanji that represented 'Unity' and slammed into Ronin, who shouted "You may have defeated me, but there are more Royal Guards who will fight for the Tul'Van Empire!" Letting out a yell, both him and the Mushashi blade turning to dust.

Back at the Shiba House, Jayden, Kevin, Mia, Emily, Mike, and Antonio stood infront of Jerome, Zeke, Diane, Vanessa, Spike, and Jake. "In honor of our alliance and victory of Ronin, we represent you these as a sign of our friendship and camaraderie." said Jayden, each of them holding out a different colored Spin Disc that, when the Legacy Rangers took with a bow, would turn into energy and shoot into their Morphers. "Whoa, what was that?" asked Kevin. "I think we just earned the right to use the Samurai powers." said Zeke, who held his fist out toward them, each Ranger stacking a fist on top of the other and calling out "Friends together, Rangers forever!" "But before you go, you have to try a dish prepared by Mia." said Mike, Emily shooting him a look of terror. Mia brought out six plates, serving each a portion of the meal she cooked. "Looks pretty good!" said Jake, taking a bite, his friends doing the same, only for them to each rush from the living room and into the kitchen, yelling "Water!" " I cant get the taste off my tongue!" "How can anyone eat this!?" with Jayden, Mike, Emily, Kevin, and Mentor Ji laughing, and Mia sighing.

On the Tul'Van ship, Luven bowed before the Emperor, speaking. "Your Excellency, though the Musashi Blade is gone, I come to inform you that your plan is ready." Emperor Tul'Van stood, his guards removing the screen to reveal him as he said "Send in everything.."

-To Be Continued-
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