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Old 12/11/14, 06:57 PM   #3
The Ghost Ranger
Power Ranger
Join Date: 12/11/14
Location: Arizona
Posts: 186
Default Re: Power Rangers Legacy

Chapter 13: Legacy Blue's S.P.D Emergency

"Dear Dad, it's me, Zeke. I hope things are going well for you where you are. School has been quite an experience this year; I've made a few new friends and we hang out all the time. I've also started doing some volunteer work to help people who are in need. I miss you every day and can't wait for the day you come back. I am sure Mom misses you as well. I better get to class, got a Chemistry test today. Love, your Son, Zeke Simmons."

Zeke walked out to his mailbox and slid the letter into it, raising the flag before his bus pulled up to the curb, he getting onto it and sitting next to Jerome. "Morning Zeke, ready for the test?" asked his friend and fellow Ranger with his head buried in a Chemistry text book. "You know it, crammed so hard last night I was seeing the periodic table in my sleep! How is your Mother doing?" "Slowly but surely she's getting better. Princess Shayla's sacred water really is helping her." "Awesome, man. I wrote a letter to my Dad this morning." "How long til you see him again?" "Hopefully before Christmas."

"General Zachex! The experiment is finished, please come down to the lab immediately!" Luven's voice said over the intercom, the General bowing before the shrouded Emperor and making his way to the lab, standing before a large tube as Luven finished typing on his computer. "I hope you did not summon me here for a possible failure." Zachex said with his six arms crossed, Luven hitting a button and the tube opening, light fog billowing out of it with a woosh sound, stepping out of it would be a very familiar helmeted warrior, wearing the Proto Morpher on its wrist. "All of the combat data from the previous fights with the rangers will make all of their previous Transcends obsolete. And it lacks the defects of the previous user." "Excellent work, Luven, now we shall see if the Rangers can fight against it."

At the Garage, Eve and T.K were going over the schematics for some new transportation that the tech assistant was designing for the team. "These bikes are going to help them get from place to place quicker. Think I should add in a turbo booster?" T.K asked, clicking on one of the bike designs, it going from wire frame to red colored. "I think we should be more worried about them being able to drive." Eve said in a slight deadpan voice, grabbing her back pack and heading to the entrance. "I need to get to school, I'll come by as soon as I get out." "Alright, have fun!" T.K waved to her friend as she kept going over the designs. "Hmm.. Maybe some flame patterns."

Later at the computer lab, Zeke and Spike were sitting and writing up essays on the history of Crystal Harbor, when Zeke plugged in a small flash drive, code scrolling across the computer screen until a small box popped up, he hitting a few keys to open it, a small chat box opening up labeled 'Crystal Harbor Penn.' Soon he was starting a conversation, glancing over his shoulder to make sure the teacher wasn't looking.

"Dad, you there?" "Zeke, what are you doing? I told you not to hack into this place!" "I'm sorry, I'm just missing you and snail mail takes too long!" "I miss you too, Son, but you need to be cautious. I gotta go, time for the computer is up. You stay safe, alright?" "Alright, Dad...I'm sorry." "Don't be, I love you." "I love you-" The conversation was shut off before he could finish, Mr. Simmons having terminated it. With a sigh, Zeke pulled out the flash drive and saved his paper, walking out of the computer lab and to the cafeteria

Sitting down at one of the tables, Zeke halfheartedly ate his food, poking at it with the plastic spork. "You miss him, don't you?" asked Spike, sitting down across from him with two plates of food, digging into one as soon as he sat down. "Huh?" "I saw you in comp lab earlier, you were talking to your dad, right? How did he...?" he started to ask but stopped, eating some meat loaf. "Dad got caught hacking into the Crystal Harbor National Bank. He'd been going from bank to bank to put funds into the accounts of the needy, and for me." "Like an internet Robin Hood?" "Sort of. Spike, do you know what its like to live on your own? To be poor for most of your life?" "No and no.."

"Dad was sent to jail two years ago during my Freshman year, I've been keeping the house clean and trying to keep up on other responsibilities with the funds he got transferred over." "What about your mom?" Spike asked with a mouthful of mashed potatoes. "She.." Zeke looked down at the table, dropping the spork and running his hands through his hair. "She died giving birth to me." It was Spike's turn to drop his spork, whispering "I"m so sorry..". "Dad made me promise not to do any hacking until he got back. He taught me everything he knew as I was growing up."

As the two friends were walking to their next class, their watches would go off, and from out of nowhere Eve pulled them into an empty class room where Jerome, Vanessa, Diane, and Jake were. "What's going on?" asked Zeke, Vanessa putting a finger to her lips to indicate silence as T.K spoke to them. "Rangers, we have a serious problem. Remember how Copybot stole the Proto Morpher a few days ago?" "Yeah, we were wondering what they wanted with it." said Jake into his watch, Eve looking at him worriedly. "There's a new signature based on the energy readings of Black Phantom Ranger, and its attacking the steel mill. When you're ready, I'll be sending something your way" "We're on it, T.K." Jerome replied, looking at the others. "You heard the lady, let's go."

The Rangers were Morphed outside of the school, when seven shiny colored bikes appeared like blocks of data before them. They were sleek, smooth, with different colored frames and windshield designs. "These are your new Legacy Cycles. You can use them to get from place to place faster." "Awesome! Thanks T.K!" Legacy Pink said, the Rangers getting onto their bikes and riding to the steel mill.

Once they arrived, they noticed large groups of Nokbots gathering large amounts of steel and putting it onto a large bedded truck, "What could they want with all that steel?" asked Legacy Yellow, the Rangers getting off their bikes and approaching the robots. "Hey you! Drop the steel and leave!" Legacy Green yelled, the Nokbots looking at one another, then running toward the heroes, the seven splitting up to do battle with them. They were holding their own until a blast hit them from above, a warrior in the Black Phantom Ranger suit leaping down to meet their foes.

"At last we meet, Power Rangers!" the copy said, looking the warriors over, then snapping her fingers. A monster covered in wires and computer monitor for a head appeared beside her. "Meet Hack'n'Slash! He shall keep you occupied while I finish the job Zachex sent me here for. Deal with them." The copy said, turning to walk away as the monster attacked the Rangers. "She's mine." Phantom Legacy declared, rushing past Hack'n'Slash to chase Black Phantom. The six Rangers brought out their weapons, rushing at the monster, whose wires would entwine to become a large sword. "You Rangers are in for a world of hurt!" it declared.

Black Phantom had made her way into the steel mill, Phantom Legacy hot on her trail until she was at a dead end. Turning around, she faced Phantom Legacy. "Well well, the original vs the new model. You may have used the Black Phantom powers once, but you're still weak. I'm faster then you, smarter then you, and stronger then you." "We'll see, won't we?" Phantom replied, the two running at each other and leaping into the air, connecting a flying kick with each other. Landing, Black Phantom spun her Morpher calling out "Dark Transcendence!" and turning into an Orange Head fighter. "Two can play that game. Power of Blue Senturion!" Phantom Legacy said, hitting the button labeled 5 on her Morpher and transforming into the robotic cop.

The Legacy Rangers and the Ghost Ranger were having a tough time against Hack'N'Slash the monster having wrapped its chords around the rangers and sending a pulse of energy at them, sending them to their knees. "Guys, time to Transcend!" Legacy Red stood up and spun his Morpher's watch hands to hit 10:03, the other doing the same, and calling out "Legacy Transcendence! S.P.D , Emergency!" The six warriors Transcended into the Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Pink, and Shadow Space Patrol Delta Rangers! Legacy SPD Red pulled out the two Delta Blasters and ran forward, shooting as fast as his fingers could pull the trigger. Legacy S.P.D Blue, Green, Yellow, and Pink brandished their Delta Max Strikers, with Legacy Shadow unsheathing the Shadow Saber, all of them running at Hack'n'Slash to continue their attack.

Inside the Steel Mill, the Black Phantom Orange Head and Legacy Blue Senturion were going trading blows with both fists and weapons. "Senturion Synergizer: Blast mode!" Legacy Blue Senturion pulled out her signal light colored gun, blasting at Black Phantom Orange Head, was hit in the chest and fell down, turning to normal, but quickly flipped up and grabbed a steel beam, knocking the robot cop over a conveyer belt, turning back to her base form. "Nice try, goody good! Thanks for the steel!" the Black Phantom Ranger yelled, running to the truck and once reaching it, the contents and the new enemy vanished.

"Shadow Saber, power up!" The hilt of the sword opened, the blade glowing with a light blue flame, Legacy Shadow Ranger running up towards Hack'nSlash as Red, Blue, Green, Pink and Yellow each fired off a charged shot from their weapons, the rainbow colored bullets slamming into the monster, causing it to stumble backwards. The last thing it saw before blowing up was the Shadow Saber slicing it in half. "Where's Eve?" asked Ghost Ranger, the six of them powering down to their base forms, when they heard coughing, seeing Phantom Legacy stumble out of the building, the others running over to her. "You okay?" asked Legacy Pink. "I'll be fine, but they got away with the steel." she responded.

"Grrr! Fire the Revive Lasers!" Zachex ordered, a Nokbot hitting the button and reviving Hack'n'Slash with the beam. "Legacy Megazord, Power Up!" Legacy Red ordered, the robot coming together and the main five sitting in the piloting area. "Legacy Axe Chain Swing!" Legacy Green called out, swinging the Stingray Ax on a chain, only for Hack'N'Slash to fire off multiple wires from its body, connecting it to the Legacy Megazord, the systems slowly shutting down and then booting up, the robot moving on its own. "What's going on?!" yelled Legacy Yellow. "We've lost control of the Megazord! Nothing's responding!" Legacy Pink said. "Hahahaha! My name is 'Hack'n'Slash for a reason, you pathetic punks! Now your Megazord is under my control!" "What do we do, Jerome?" asked Green. "Abandon the Megazord, at least for now! Return to the Garage immediately!" The five Rangers jumped out of the giant robot, joining Ghost and Phantom ground side, teleporting back to base.

"T.K! How do we get the Megazord back?" Diane asked, having removed her helmet, the other doing the same and placing them onto various tables, T.K typing on the keyboard but letting out a frustrated grunt. "That thing has completely hacked the controls, I can't even initiate an override from here!" "We still need to keep Hack'n'Slash busy while we find a workaround." Jerome said, looking at Eve. "Are you feelin well enough to hold it off until we regain control?" "You know it. Jake, give me both of your hands." she said, holding out her hand towards her brother. "Alright..." Hesitantly, Jake put both of his hands on Eve's single hand, a burst of blue, white, yellow, as well as a burst of silver, blue and gold went through the two siblings, Eve stepping back and grabbing her helmet. "Good luck, sis." Jake said, she smiling at them before teleporting back to the battle field.

"While she's doing that, we need to find a way to out hack the monster. I hate to say this, but I am no expert in the matter." said T.K sighing. "I am.." Zeke said, stepping forward and pulling out his flash drive. "Could I sit there?" he asked T.K, who stood up. "Work your magic, Zeke. We're counting on you." said Jerome as the Legacy Blue Ranger sat down, inserting the flash drive.

Back on the Battlefield, Eve hit the main button on her Morpher twice and called out "Legacy Transcendence! Omega Nova fusion!" Phantom Legacy fused the suits of S.P.D Omega and Nova Rangers, summoning the OmegaMax Cycle, leaping into it and driving right for Hack'n'Slash, firing the lasers of the Zord. "I'm coming for you!" she yelled, only for the controlled Legacy Megazord to step in front of the monster and jump on top of it, punching and slashing at the vehicle repeatedly, Phantom Omega Nova grunting as she tried to stay in control.

"She won't last long with that assault, Zeke, how close are you?" asked Spike "Almost there.." the hacker replied, eyes scanning through the code until a line came up, fingers flying over the keyboard and slamming the enter key down. "Got it!" he yelled, the code streams freezing and turning green before going to normal. "Yes! Alright Zeke!" Diane cheered, hugging him, Jerome clapping him on the back. "Good job, Zeke, now let's go get our Megazord back." Jake said, grabbing his helmet, the others doing the same before vanishing back to the fight.

"Ahhhhh!" The OmegaMax Cycle spun in a circle, throwing the Legacy Megazord off and revving up, ramming into Hack'n'Slash to know him down. When the five Legacy Rangers entered their robot, Ghost Ranger leapt into the Zord his sister was piloting, she turning to base state and he helping her out of the seat. "You did well, sis, now let me take over." "Its all yours." she said, Ghost spinnng his watch hands to 10:03 and calling out "Legacy Transcendence! Omega Ranger!" changing into the warrior from the future. "Hey guys, feel like combining?" He asked, the Legacy Rangers standing their Megazord upright, with Legacy Red saying "Oh heck yeah! You guys ready?" "Ready!" his teammates replied, all calling out "Megazord Transcendence Burst! DELTA SQUAD MEGAZORD!"

The Legacy Megazord transformed into the S.P.D Delta Squad Megazord, with Legacy Omega turning his zord into the OmegaMax Megazord. "Start combining sequence now!" Both Megazords combined into one: The Deltamax Megazord. Hack'N'Slash started to attack with another cable launch, only to receive a flying punch from the robot, followed by four more that sent it flying back, the monster exploding with all seven Rangers saying "Shut down!"

Back on the Tul'Van ship, Black Phantom Ranger and Zachex stood in a large room, Nokbots hurrying about every which way as construction sounds could be heard. "While Hack'N'Slash failed to stop the Rangers, we succeeded in obtaining the steel we needed. Phase one of our plan is complete." said Zachex ominously, an evil smile on his face.

Later that day at Crystal Harbor Penitentiary, Mr. Simmons received a letter in his cell, addressed from Zeke. Opening the envelope, he read it with a smile on his face, a tear coming to his eye. "I'll be home soon, Son. I'll be home soon.."

-To Be Continued-
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